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  1. M

    Chinese ooths needed

    Hi, have had no success finding any Chinese ooths locally. If anyone has (found) some I'd like to get a couple of them, thanks.
  2. M

    Successful molt averages?

    I know that the deaths are normal, especially in nature, en masse, just was curious how much better they survive when we pamper them. Want to get better at this before trying my hand with the exotic mantids and their need for a much more controlled environment. Agreed, large is not always...
  3. M

    Successful molt averages?

    What type of success rate do you have with molting (Chinese specifically, all others)? I realize each person will have varied results over time but when the data is combined it will yield an average 1. From L1 to adult, percent that make it. 2. Various stages. Any stage that is more prone to...
  4. M

    Cricket & polymer crystal

    I've used Fluker's bottled formula for a long while but the cost adds up on these little bottles if you're feeding thousands and thousands of little critters. Has anyone used the packaged mixes that require you to add water and make your own crystals? I had found a web site or two that offered...
  5. M

    Wide Arm Mantis breeding troubles

    Had the same problem this past yr. One particular Chinese female simply refused to mate. On occassion she was aggressive toward the males. (Had that problem a couple of yrs ago and it took numerous tries by 6 different males before that female "allowed" one to mate her.) But when this...
  6. M

    Set-up photos?

    Just noticed your post. Here's some old url's I scouted out perhaps a couple of yrs back. Prices used to be as low as 1000 for $7.50, I see things...
  7. M

    Lids for deli cups, egg cartons

    Thanks Rick. As soon as the page loaded I realized I had bookmarked it previously, probably from one of your posts. They have everything I need!
  8. M

    Lids for deli cups, egg cartons

    I've found numerous cups available for sale but not all sellers show how the lids are fashioned, i.e., with holes, or mesh. Fruit flies can climb out the holes if I'm keeping nymphs in the cups. Do any of the sellers offer lids that have some nylon mesh on them? Where do you find your egg...
  9. M

    chinese mating

    One of the ways I let them mate "may" work for you if your cats are a concern, no guarantees. I had fashioned a clamp-on-lamp stand using round stock wood and two 10lb weights from my weight lifting set. The wood is 1 1/8" diameter stock, it slides right into the 1 1/4" holes (they taper to 1...
  10. M

    Chinese adults in the wild in July?

    Noticed a lot of "adult" Chinese mantids a few weeks ago. Usually I find adults in the wild in September at the earliest in the NJ and PA area. This past week I've did find some Chinese mantids that are only in the wing bud stage. I caged one younger mantid and it happened to moult that night to...
  11. M

    General question on fruit flies

    Thanks Rick, that was what I needed to know concerning the larger container, it will serve as my reserve. I have 9 of the small containers, 4 in use with about 20 flies in each at the moment and lots of larvae and pupa.
  12. M

    General question on fruit flies

    I've decided to breed wingless FF’s to supplement the PH’s I've fed my mantids. Just received my FF culture and noticed that a bunch of the flies had fallen into the culture and drowned. At this time (and in the future) is this an issue that needs to be addressed, decaying flies in the culture...