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  1. M

    Now for the spider collection ;)

    Hmm do you have a shot of its back? Because i have had serveral species of jumping spiders that have legs like that one
  2. M

    The rest of my zoo

    Thanks guys! ^_^
  3. M

    The rest of my zoo

    Of corse i have pics! :lol: Veiled Chameleon: Corn Snake: Ball Python: Gater Snake: (its a bit of a psyco so i never handle it) Westie Lacey: I dont have pics of the fish, yet. :P But yeah there are all my babies and i love them with all my heart. Hope they arent...
  4. M

    Iris O. ooths??

    Yeah i heard about fruit flies but never tried it as the babies are soooooo tiny! :P
  5. M

    Now for the spider collection ;)

    Im keeping my green lynx spider in a large plastic jar with a small pothos plants inside. She does make webs so ive been catching flies and butterflies for her to eat. And i live in the deserts of southern california, near palm springs and indio and forgive me but im not familiar with that...
  6. M

    seemingly UNKNOWN species

    Sounds good. I knew it was sorta a bad idea as i keep one female in a wired cage, one in a large plastic jar and my male in a med. sized plasic jar.
  7. M

    Hey guys :)

    Thanks for the warm welcomes! :) i posted a few new topics to let you guys know a little more about my passion for all living things and know my experience levels and how many other hobbys i have. Hope i wont be too annoying to eveyone ^_^
  8. M

    Now for the spider collection ;)

    Ok soooooo anther hobby of mine is keeping spiders. I have always always always kept spiders as when i was young my mom didnt really trust me with larger animals until i got a leopard gecko so i kept spiders that i found interesting in jars and kept a whole rack of diffeent species. Ive owned...
  9. M

    The rest of my zoo

    As i have already said, i currently have 3 Iris. Ora.'s but i have soooooo much more critters :P Ok so first, i have 1 lizard and he is a Veiled Chameleon and his name is lowie and hes about 7-8years old. Next I own 3 snakes, a corn snake, ball python, and garter snake. All of which are my...
  10. M

    House Fly Technique

    Hmm what i usually do with my housefly-eating small mantids is get a common small-mesh net and net the ones outside. Its a lot cheaper and the net can be used to catch butterflies and moths later on. Is there not that many natural flies out there that you can catch? I also used to use fly...
  11. M

    Iris O. ooths??

    @train yeah i saw it but seeing as these are the only mantises i will be keeping i might as well learn all the details and hmm, like i might have mentioned, i have always bred mantids but i have never hatched any so im interested to try this year and maybe start producing a healthy little...
  12. M

    seemingly UNKNOWN species

    Hey i was wondering, how cannibalistic are these mantids? I have never housed my mantids together except for breeding but can it be done without losing all of them??
  13. M

    Iris oratoria development variations

    Wow those are some cool thoughts. Hmm but maybe the smaller ones just end up being foid for the larger ones or idk?
  14. M

    anyone planing a hunting trip

    Come down to palm springs california! My dad cleans pools and literally finds atleast one mantid at each house and everywhere i go, weither it be mantis city(an empty lot full of weeds+a large bush of morning glorys) or my work there are always mantises to be found! I find them every season and...
  15. M

    Iris O. ooths??

    Hey guys, I've never really hatched an ooth on my own but I as wonder if its basically the same maintanence for all ooths. I have 2 adult females and 1 subadult male right now and am going to be breeding them as soin as he can but i was thinking about keeping a few ooths to try and hatch on my own.
  16. M

    Hey guys :)

    Hi guys! My name is Brandon and I'm 17 years old and as some of you might have already read, i have been keeping Medit. Mantises or Irises for all my life and I've successfully been able to breed them every season for about 7 years or more! I've only had one other type of mantis, the chinese...
  17. M

    Iris oratoria development variations

    I find this to be normal with mine as well. I have been producing ooths and had many successful breeding with them and i tape the sticks with all the ooths on them to my trees outside so they can hatch into my garden. Every now and then i would go outside and see that some of the eggs hatched a...
  18. M

    seemingly UNKNOWN species

    thanks guys and sorry for the poor quality of the video and i dont ever usually take my mantises out except when changing their cages(as they can be pretty jumpy) so i cant really take a reletively clear photo with my phone but YES my mantises are indeed the meditteranean mantis or Iris...
  19. M

    seemingly UNKNOWN species

    Hey guys, I'm new here and i petty much made an account here to ask what the heck type of mantis i have been breeding for years now. Im 17 and ive kept this mantis as a pet for as long as i can remember and am now keeping two adult female specimens right now. I've looked online for southern...