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  1. W

    Gas Stations=Male Safari Zones!

    Natural light = sunlight, moonlight, starlight Artificial light = gas station lights, yard lights, light bulbs, lamps
  2. W

    Gas Stations=Male Safari Zones!

    Males love artificial light, and if you consider how many moths you can find at gas stations at night, it is just a natural place for any insect who is drawn to artificial light to congregate.
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    Fluffy's Big Adventure

    Yes, I was. Having raised many Monarchs and watching them soar into the sky when they are released, I thought I had lost Fluffy for sure. Luckily, they don't just keep flying away like butterflies, LOL. I wouldn't have wanted a bat to get him at night if he was on the loose!!
  4. W

    Fluffy's Big Adventure

    I usually take my male praying mantis (yes, his name is Fluffy, like in the "Boy Named Sue", I think it makes him tougher) outside in his habitat to get some fresh air. I also usually do feeding out there in case I have escapee flies, crickets, etc., so they don't end up loose in the house...
  5. W

    Some Observations of Adult Religiosa

    I find that to be a very helpful post. Now that I know my adult is a male, and that they don't eat that much, I don't have to worry anymore!! Thanks for posting.
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    Adult chinese mantis not eating

    I have to agree. Those pictures were MOST helpful, and I am 99 percent sure mine is a male now. That made all the difference to be able to see those pictures! Thanks!
  7. W


    I'm new, too. Nice to meet you!
  8. W

    New to the Mantid Mania

    Hi everyone. I've always loved insects and have enjoyed raising caterpillars and ladybirds with my daughters. Last Spring on a whim, I thought it would be fun to hatch some praying mantises. I ordered the kit (including habitat and instructions) from Insectlore, but they were out of oothecas...
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    Adult chinese mantis not eating

    Okay, thanks. This is my first mantis and I just ADORE it!!! And I do tend to worry a bit too much about it as well.
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    Questions about feeding with crickets

    I have heard that if you feed the crickets carrots, they can in turn make the mantis sick. I don't know if that's true or not, but I did read that in my research.
  11. W

    Adult chinese mantis not eating

    I have an adult praying mantis, unsure of gender, although I suspect it is a male. Molting always went well and it had been eating quite voraciously. One day I tried crickets which it gobbled up and LOVED. Then I purchased some feeder blue bottles and houseflies. The mantis kind of turned up...