Gas Stations=Male Safari Zones!


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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
Independence, Missouri, USA
So I've really wanted to get another mantis since I found my first at a gas station. And the other night while grabbing some smokes a male flew onto my windsheild wiper at Quicktrip lol. So i parked and ran out to catch the guy put him in a cup held tight agianst my chest to close the top and took him home :)

He looks almost identical to my other Chinese male except for his belly and eyes. So if you're in need of a male hit up some gas stations, and bring a tall friend :)

That's awesome! I hear so many stories of people finding them at gas stations, but I never have found one myself.

Rarely see them like that around here. Only time I ever see mantids in those areas is if they border mantis habitat. I know of the side of a retail store that has a long exterior wall that borders a weedy field. At night there are mantids on the wall attracted to the lights.

Males love artificial light, and if you consider how many moths you can find at gas stations at night, it is just a natural place for any insect who is drawn to artificial light to congregate.
