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  1. Akki

    Quick videos of my nymphs

    They're so small that it's hard to really get any kind of footage of them. The contrast of them against my computer screen was about the best I could do. The first video is Mr. Chang Foo going for Rick's signature, the other is Earl sitting on my finger, eating a fruit fly. Please please please...
  2. Akki

    Death is coming

    That's awful, idahomantid. I'm sorry to hear that. I know mantids aren't exactly cuddly as a cat or dog, but something about them seems almost wise. Perhaps the benefit is in fact mutual. You never know, caring for mantids could pass some good karma your way.
  3. Akki

    Hello from New Orleans, Louisiana!

    Oh well, that makes sense doesn't it? I've never pondered how to *attract* bugs, just how to dispel them. But great idea!
  4. Akki

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    As they say, life is the ability to create adenosine triphosphate :)
  5. Akki

    Do you name your Mantis?

    Chihiro, isn't that from spirited away? Sounds familiar. And I like Master Chief :) I'll have to add that to my list of potential names.
  6. Akki

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    I'm practically brand new, but I thought I'd go ahead and participate. This was minutes after the Saints won the superbowl ;) :clap: :D This is me and my beagle, Lucy. And this is one of my two cats, Toki, telling me my study session is over. I'll of course take pictures of my...
  7. Akki

    Nawlins Mantids

    I've lived here in New Orleans for most of my life, and I can honestly say that before Katrina (or "the storm" nowadays) I never saw a mantis anywhere down here. I mean anywhere! And I live next to a large City Park and have a decent sized backyard. It wasn't until after the storm, when I came...
  8. Akki

    Do you name your Mantis?

    Since these 5 nymphs I have are my first that I've ever owned, I didn't want to name them myself and get attached (in case I messed something up and they never make it to adult hood :( which I'm really trying to avoid..) So I asked 5 people I knew what they would name a mantis. And thus, the...
  9. Akki

    Hello from New Orleans, Louisiana!

    Thanks much :) Yes ma'am! I've been trying to do that twice a day as well.. should there always be a few beads of water on the sides of the container for them? I've never seen them drink (except one when I let him/her out after being shipped over)
  10. Akki

    Hello from New Orleans, Louisiana!

    I decided to join this forum because I have a few questions and would like some pointers, as well as have some information to read over :) That and I think if I talk anymore about my mantids to my non-mantid loving friends, I'll be disowned. I recently was given five (what I think are)...