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  1. R

    little flys? ######?

    yah i have a soil in the bottom of the aquarium ... im also thinking about downsizing him from the 14 Gallon Tall Aquarium ... to something much much smaller, as i always seem him the top, and only time he goes to the bottom is when i spray or pour water in and then he just lets go and falls to...
  2. R

    little flys? ######?

    so i went to add some crickets to my Mantis aquarium .. and water the plants and stuff... and i noticed that there is these little flys flying around in the tank... look like a forum of Nat's almost... but dunno where it could be from any ideas? are they harmful to my mantid ?
  3. R

    What Kind Of Plants ?

    haha i see what you did there... but no the 55gal is dedicated to my Cichlid's
  4. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    k thanx .. sorry for the noobness, Nymphs are new to me ... but have always been intrigued .. and this has randomly provided an excuse for me to follow it lol.
  5. R

    What Kind Of Plants ?

    so im going to home depot tomorrow for a couple fittings for a setup on my 55gallon Cichlid Tank ... while im there im going to pick up a small bag of soil, and looking into getting about 3 Low-Light or Low-Tech plants for the 14 gallon (for sure one that is a slow ivy style) i was curious...
  6. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    lol none escaped, im 100% sure of that .... ! ok will pick up some crickets then , lady at pet store said he was too small for them..
  7. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    thanks for the help guys .... looks like i might keep him and try to get one of my 10g or the 14g setup with some low light plants and soil from HomeDepot ... and get him in it he is hanging at the top of my tote for the most part, he will venture down into the bottom now and then.. he has...
  8. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    are they safe to keep outside, on a patio, where theyre open to the elements ?... cause i have enough wood and plywood and screen mesh (the holes are smaller than a screen door screen) that i can build a larger more spacious kind of cage, however, theres no direct sunlight, and right now the...
  9. R

    14g Fish Tank

    im also looking at something like this and can seal shut the bottom of it,to create a "litter" layer and set a form fan to pull air out of the top of the tank which in turn will pull air from across the middle for ventilation...
  10. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    Seeing as he is a full grown male im thinking of releasing him in the wild in the bushes near my house...
  11. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    So back to topic of water misting... just get a spray bottle and misy in it ... so he can drink or do i put a dish ornlid down with waterer...
  12. R

    14g Fish Tank

    i found them by accident one day, and since ive met several people that use it and love it ... http://www.junglebox...tegory/VIV.html and since the 14g Tall is same size square as the 10gals, i figured it would work ... can hurt to try...
  13. R

    14g Fish Tank

    can anyone give me any suggestions for converting a 14g Tall Fish Tank into a mantid enclosure... im going to be ordering a vertical screen door setup for the front of the tank, so it will sit tall wise for more height , and i just need to setup the inside with the goodies... its mantis...
  14. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    thanks guys, ... any tips for keeping this lil dude....
  15. R

    can any 1 ID this guy...

    so i was coming out of work last night.. and was talking to a buddy of mine, and as he went to get in his truck this little guy was hanging out on his hood and freaking my buddy out... apon further inspection i saw it was a Mantid, and had to grab the sucker .... so he is now in my critter tote...
  16. R

    Hi All

    Hello Everyone From The Sunny State of California..