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  1. MantisFan

    Moving oothecae

    Same issue. This helped me out thanks.
  2. MantisFan


    Oh really? Well im in springfield Ma until wednesday...
  3. MantisFan


    Hello everybody and thank you. Like Playboy I read the articles. :lol: Us massholes need to stick together. I'm actually interested in trading some male Popa spurca's for some females if you have any.
  4. MantisFan

    Twisted Grasping Leg

    O crud. O.k. thanks, I just took out some twigs. Thank you for the reply and helpful information.
  5. MantisFan

    Twisted Grasping Leg

    So today I hear a continuous tapping sound. Its my female spurca trying to grab a feeder but she kept missing it. Her left grasping leg has twisted by like 90 degrees. So instead of being out in front its twisted out to the left. Reminds me of MBD in reptiles. She still can open and close it...
  6. MantisFan


    Hello, time to introduce myself. I'm James, I live in Ma and have been into mantises since I saw one in a Ranger Rick magazine when I was in 3rd grade. I've actually been visiting this site for about a year now. Didn't know it was possible to own one until then. Done with college, in my own...
  7. MantisFan

    How many ooths?

    This is more for Popa spurca but it probably relates to many species. 1. How many ooths can/does a female lay? 2. How long in between laying ooths can lay again?
  8. MantisFan

    2 spurca ?'s

    awesome, ty.
  9. MantisFan

    2 spurca ?'s

    How do you sex them? Reading mixed info. How many ooths can a female lay in life span? Can't find info.