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  1. Mantiskid

    Pics of my big pacman

    So, I haven't posted anything for a while...but here's a few pics of my pacman frog: and two of my limbatas: and gator lizards!!! :D
  2. Mantiskid

    My Pac Man!!

    Here's an old video of my Albino Pacman frog (C. cranwelli) that I've had for about half a year now. He hardly ever moves around, but nonetheless I still have fun with him! He sometimes starts calling in the middle of the night, which sounds like a duck. :D P.S. Anyone have an idea for a name...
  3. Mantiskid

    Hello again, everyone!!!

    Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been on Mantidforum anytime recently. I got a little sidetracked, first with a girl :blush: , and then a 5 week vacation!!! Anyway, I plan on getting back into the mantis hobby as soon as possible. My PC is getting fixed (it's got a nasty virus), and I don't know...
  4. Mantiskid

    some of my pics :)

    I will have to make multiple posts in order to fit all the pics I want :D . Freshly molted female ghost A pic of a Creo face (RIP Creos :( Another Creo pic
  5. Mantiskid

    Female ghost laid infertile Ooth

    My female ghost just laid an infertile ooth this morning, so I decided to post some pics. Here she is starting to lay the ooth: when she's almost done: Here she is adding the little thread-thing to the ooth:
  6. Mantiskid

    Gravid female ghost acting so wierd last night

    My female ghost last night was acting really, very wierd. Lethargic, and weak. Does it have to do with the fact she's going to lay an Ooth soon? She's seemingly OK now, but last night she couldn't move her walking legs. The weight of her egg-laden body didn't help, I guess, but I've never seen...
  7. Mantiskid

    Extremely urgent! Need adult male ghost for breeding!

    Hi guys my female ghost is acting like she's gonna lay an Ooth, and she has no mate! I really need one ASAHP (As Soon As Humanly Possible :D ). P.M. me with price, details, etc. Thanks!
  8. Mantiskid


    Hi I ordered 3 ghost mantids from jeff (1 adult female & 2 nymphs) recently. They all arrived safely, plus he gave me one extra! They were VERY carefully packaged, and were already in their own enclosures! Jeff even put a note in the box saying that he was glad they were going to a good...
  9. Mantiskid

    11:36 pm

  10. Mantiskid

    Chinese Mantis problem

  11. Mantiskid

    i know i'm not alone
  12. Mantiskid

    I joined Flickr!

    Yo everyone! :) I just joined Flickr. Here are some of my pics:
  13. Mantiskid

    My first Ooth!

    This morning, Lydia, my female chinese mantis, laid her first Ooth! Below is a video of her with it.
  14. Mantiskid

    Wanted: 7 L7-L8 ghosts

    I'm looking for 7 L7-L8 ghosts for sale or trade. P.M. me for details, etc., etc. Thanks, guys!
  15. Mantiskid

    What the heck is wrong with my Creo?!

    Okay so here's what's going on: last week I noticed one of my Creos was on his back looking half dead on the bottom of his container. I took him out and exposed him to fresh air, thinking he could have overheated. However, the temp in his container was the same as usual. After that event, it...
  16. Mantiskid

    Important breeding question! Please help!

    OK so here's the scenario: I put my 2 T. sinensis together this's been 4 hours, and they have not actually made...errr... contact. The male has tried to several times, but failed. Should I seperate the 2 or leave them together? I know they are both mature: the male is over 2 weeks...
  17. Mantiskid

    What the best enclosures for a Mantis are I know it's kind of long, but PLEASE watch the whole part1 and 2 and tell me what you think. :)
  18. Mantiskid

    New Mantid videos part 1
  19. Mantiskid

    New Mantid Videos! (continued)

  20. Mantiskid

    Wanted for breeding: Adult gravid female Tenodera sinensis

    Hey guys! I know I haven't been on the forum for a while...I've been uploading lots of stuff to Youtube. So here's the deal: I have 1 adult male sinensis (he's my first adult mantis EVER. yay!). I realized I don't have any females to breed him with, since all my females are L2-L3. So now I'm...