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  1. ZenViouS

    Wanted: Adult Male Idolomantis Diabolica

    Pm me with details on Molt date (doesn't have to be exact), location, and price
  2. ZenViouS

    Becoming Parthenogenic??

    I'm seeing a few ideas about evolution that are a bit backwards. Parthenogenesis is a serious mechanical step in a species that rarely occurs because of a lack of population in a species. A species does not simply develop this sort of thing out of a need for it. Evolution does NOT happen from...
  3. ZenViouS

    My bud

    Haha. Nice job getting them all to stay put for so long on that one hand!
  4. ZenViouS

    So, help me formulate plan B

    I would give him 2 good feedings before reintroducing them.
  5. ZenViouS

    1st attempt at FF culture

    Not all mold is bad. I havn't had any bad mold in any of my cultures (mostly because I use a commercial brand ;) ) but I have seen tons of different "good" molds... with different colors too! How long it takes all depends on what temp you kept them at and how old the FFs were that you used to...
  6. ZenViouS

    What is the best way to dust feeders with bee pollen?

    The way pollen is, even if it's dry it'll stick to anything it really touches. That includes the sides of the container AND the flies crawling around (or shaken around lol) on it. It's not like how you dust crickets where they become almost while from the powder. It's on them, even if they don't...
  7. ZenViouS

    What is the best way to dust feeders with bee pollen?

    I get all the feeders I need into a small vial with a foam plug at the top. Get a paint brush and dabble it in the pollen mix then push the foam to one side of the top so that there is just enough space to fit the paint through inside of it. Then I just twist the brush until the pollen comes...
  8. ZenViouS

    What in God's name is this???

    could be her genitalia falling out of her limp abdomen
  9. ZenViouS

    My wide-arms are finally mating!!!

    she has a HUGE gut XD
  10. ZenViouS

    Zorak has a bum leg. :(

    Well, is the leg still operational? Can he still use it to walk on stuff? if so then I wouldn't worry about it unless the brown part of the leg spreads further up the leg. If not, then I would wait a few days to see if he chews it of himself or if it just falls off (still watching to see if the...
  11. ZenViouS

    Water for fruit fly media?

    I say tap or spring water because in the end you're trying to get microorganisms to begin breaking down the media and decomposing it. Could be easier if there're already some minerals and such in the water to aid your micro life. BUT in a scientific environment (ei lab since you're doing this...
  12. ZenViouS

    Angelofdeathzz - Nick

    Just got in some idolo nymphs from Nick. He was great and easy to do business with from helping me out with all my questions on how to take care of them to what to have once they got to me. All came in pristine condition with excellent packaging and can't wait for the next time I can make such a...
  13. ZenViouS

    How soon can you beginning mating?

    I was wondering how soon after mantids reach adulthood can they mate and produce fertile eggs together? I've done a ton of reading and always thought that males could mate as soon as they reached adulthood and for females it takes up to 3 weeks. Well, 2 things came from these thoughts. 1. How do...
  14. ZenViouS

    Drosophila melanogaster "Wingless"

    Where are you getting that information from?
  15. ZenViouS

    Moving oothecae

    Never had to deal with getting them off the wall but I'd try scraping them off first then try what Agent A said. As far as the enclosure, I'd say something larger than your everyday 32oz deli cup because you can have 200-400 little ones come out of there. Personally, I've recently hatched 4 T...
  16. ZenViouS

    Need HELP with my violin nymphs

    haha... read the first post and saw my answer
  17. ZenViouS

    Need HELP with my violin nymphs

    what is a "UTH"?
  18. ZenViouS

    Hiya everyone!

    Hey guys and gals, my name's Zach and I love everything science. I'm 17 and I'm also a self proclaimed scientist. I live in Florida (around St. Petersburg). I also love praying mantids, as they are my favorite insect, though I cannot remember how I came to first learn about them. It all started...