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  1. ellsie

    Hail from Vancouver

    Welcome greatdane!  I'm from Vancouver myself! =)
  2. ellsie

    Greetings from Ontario

    Welcome Dennis Z!!  Glad to see you made it on this forum! =)
  3. ellsie

    2013 TAMU Insect Open House

    Thanks Yen! You too! It's just a shame that most of the color fades after pinning insects :blush: And nice to see that you are making money from this hobby Albert! As for me, I've just been extremely busy with my dissertation, and not to mention preparing my Entomology lectures for my...
  4. ellsie

    2013 TAMU Insect Open House

    Hi Yen, That is a nice Bethylidae you have there!! I am not sure I see any hints at wings, so you might have a female in your piece of amber! :sweatdrop: