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  1. uralowl

    Can you breed mantids with their siblings?

    Thanks for all the replies, though I can't help but find it a bit amusing that this has turned into a debate, lol. I'll still go ahead and interbreed my two mantids since I am planning to just sell off the ooth(s) anyway, Egyptian mantids are quite boring imho.
  2. uralowl

    Can you breed mantids with their siblings?

    I've recently had two of my Egyptain mantids molt into adults, luckily enough, one's male and one's female. However, they were both born from the same ooth and I was wondering, is it possible to breed a mantis with its sibling and will there be any ill effects on the offspring if I do this?
  3. uralowl

    Mantis fell during molting?

    Unfortunately, my mantis died some time yesterday. She wouldn't grip onto anything for very long and just kept falling. I tried feeding her honey, but she didn't seem to do anything, even when I put it right in front of her face. It sucks because I've had this mantis for quite some time from...
  4. uralowl

    Mantis fell during molting?

    Thanks for the reply. I tried doing this and she managed to grip onto the lid of her enclosures with her claws and one of her back legs, but she just kept falling again after a while. It doesn't look good. :( It looks like her head is slightly deformed since she can't seem to lift it very...
  5. uralowl

    Mantis fell during molting?

    I've got a Ghost praying mantis which hasn't eaten in 3-4 days. I assumed it was getting ready to molt and it looks like I was right. I was checking on my mantids earlier and unfortunately found her on the bottom of the enclosure with some of her old skin still attached to the tip of her...
  6. uralowl

    Is there any way to preserve a dead mantis?

    Thanks for the replies, a lot easier than I thought it would be. :)
  7. uralowl

    Lets hear the music behind the username

    Love the Smashing Pumpkins, one of my favourite bands of all time, love their new album too. :) Come to think of it, I love a lot of early 90s bands: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Radiohead, Blur, Pearl Jam and Korn are all favourites of mine. Other than them, I like some old 70s/80s bands such...
  8. uralowl

    Is there any way to preserve a dead mantis?

    A couple of minutes ago, I was checking on my mantids and unfortunately my adult female Indian Flower mantis was laying at the bottom of her enclosure, dead. I'm not surprised though, she was getting really old and I'm actually more surprised by how long she had lived, I had her for nearly a...
  9. uralowl

    Very worried, think my tarantula has mites

    They don't look any springtails I've ever seen. They're the same color, but they have round bodies. Springtails usually have rice-like bodies, from what I've seen anyway. I had an empty enclosure for about a week which didn't have anything in it besides substrate and the 'mites' were grouping...
  10. uralowl

    Very worried, think my tarantula has mites

    Thanks for the advice so far, I'm afraid I can't say it is very reassuring, but thanks, lol. I'm really not sure what the 'mites' want, they've even been gathering on a container that doesn't even have anything in it at the moment. Hopefully that means they aren't after my mantids and spiders'...
  11. uralowl

    Very worried, think my tarantula has mites

    Let me start of by saying that I've been seeing these, what I believe to be mites, for over 2 years before I got my first tarantula. They are very tiny, they look like little flakes of dust or dandruff, it's hard to see them unless you actually look closely. They're round and move quite fast, I...
  12. uralowl

    Antenna Shorter than other antenna (Scizor, my Chinese)

    Maybe Scizor used Cut attack, but hurt itself in its confusion? In all seriousness, as others have already stated, it shouldn't be anything to worry about. I had a Chinese nymph that had one curled antenna after it molted, but ever since its last molt, the antenna has been normal again. I also...
  13. uralowl

    Fruit flies escaped

    Thanks for the replies everyone. :) I've still managed to spot a few more fruit flies since yesterday, I've just swatted every one that I found, no idea how many more may be left, but I guess it's just something I have to live with.
  14. uralowl

    Fruit flies escaped

    Sorry about posting this in the wrong section, though thanks for letting me know where to post things like this in the future. The only reason I'm worried is because about 6 years ago, I had an infestation of blue bottle flies that kept breeding in my apartment like mad. It literally took me...
  15. uralowl

    Fruit flies escaped

    Not sure if this is the right place to be posting this, apologies if it is. I was taking the lid off my flightless fruit fly culture earlier when I was trying to feed several of my small mantis nymphs. Unfortunately, I accidently ripped off the whole lid and at least 100 fruit flies came...
  16. uralowl

    Not sure why my mantis died

    Thanks for all the replies, it is somewhat reassuring to know other people have had nymphs die on them for no obvious reason as well, though I am sorry for all your losses. I only had about 4 small fruit flies in his jar so I don't think it's that, I guess the stress from shipping may indeed...
  17. uralowl

    Not sure why my mantis died

    I recently ordered 2 Asian Ant mantis nymphs off eBay. They arrived yesterday and appeared to be either L1 or L2 nymphs, very tiny. Both were just fine yesterday. I put them in separate jars, misted them and gave them fruit flies. Today, I saw one of the mantids sitting rather strangely on the...
  18. uralowl

    Questions about newborn mantids

    Thanks. :) I'll transfer the fertilised ooth to a large deli cup and keep the L1 babies in there until they're bigger. Hopefully not too many will be cannibalised.
  19. uralowl

    Questions about newborn mantids

    A friend of mine recently had one of his Indian Flower mantids mature into an adult male. I've got an adult female of the same species and my friend has agreed to sell me his male sometime tomorrow. I'm hoping to try and breed the mantids, of course. My female has already laid 2 unfertile ooths...
  20. uralowl

    Not sure what's in my fruit fly culture

    I've decided to just throw away the culture. It looked like there may have been a couple of FF larvae still in there, but I've got plenty of those in my new culture anyway so it wasn't really worth keeping it just for a few maggots. I've got a feeling that they probably were mites in the...