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  1. Sebby

    Bad tasting Crickets?

    I will feed them lettuce instead then. And it was 2 L3 Nymphs and an Adult.
  2. Sebby

    Bad tasting Crickets?

    It's happening with all of them, they all seem to nibble the head for a ferw seconds, then leave it. I've only noticed it recently after I put the new cricket food in. Thanks I think I will have to feed the crickets differently. Any suggestions?
  3. Sebby

    Bad tasting Crickets?

    My mantids will regularly eat Brown Crickets, but lately since I have been puttingchopped potatoe,cereal ect. In the Cricket Box the Mantis has been eating the Cricket for a few seconds, then letting go?
  4. Sebby

    First Mismolt, what do I do?

    Okay guys :) Thanks for the replies and hopefully my other nymphs will make it to adulthood.
  5. Sebby

    First Mismolt, what do I do?

    My egyptian mantis is currently L3 molting into L4. He's been stuck in the same posistion for about 18 hours. I'm unsure what to do, here is a picture of what it looks like.
  6. Sebby


    Woah thats insane! :o :D
  7. Sebby

    Miomantis Paykulli Enclosures

    Thanks :)
  8. Sebby

    Miomantis Paykulli Enclosures

    Here is a couple of pics of some of my Mantid Enclosures :shifty:
  9. Sebby

    Hey from England! :D

    Hi, I'm connor. I'm a general builder. I Have 4 Egyptian Mantids (Miomantis Paykulli) So yeah :)