Bad tasting Crickets?


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Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
My mantids will regularly eat Brown Crickets, but lately since I have been puttingchopped potatoe,cereal ect. In the Cricket Box the Mantis has been eating the Cricket for a few seconds, then letting go?

This is just happening with one mantid, or all of your mantids? If it's just one then I'd say the mantid is probably just not hungry. How long has this been going on that it eats part then drops the rest? If it's multiple mantids, then I'd say you should adjust what you're feeding the crickets.

It's happening with all of them, they all seem to nibble the head for a ferw seconds, then leave it. I've only noticed it recently after I put the new cricket food in. Thanks I think I will have to feed the crickets differently. Any suggestions?

I will feed them lettuce instead then. And it was 2 L3 Nymphs and an Adult.
