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  1. Cytronix

    Weird Abdomen Shape

    Ah Ok then. Its one of the most interesting Mantids I've seen so far
  2. Cytronix

    Weird Abdomen Shape

    Heres a pic of its underside. I'm keeping it away from my other mantid. My mom wanted to look after this one after looking at its abdomen. I wasn't really keen on it since I have no idea of its condition. This mantid seems more passive than my other one 
  3. Cytronix

    Weird Abdomen Shape

    So I found another Mantid but concerned about its Abdomen's shape. Might be assuming it could be a mismolt but I like to see what you guys think if it's anything else ?  
  4. Cytronix

    Food Suppliers?

    Never mind about the question. I'll make a fly trap. 
  5. Cytronix

    Food Suppliers?

    Anyone know any suppliers that sell packs of insects or insect pupaes less than 10 and ship overseas? Don't need as much since I only have 1 mantid. 
  6. Cytronix

    New Ooth by African Mantid!

    Ah Ok then, thanks for the tip!  :)
  7. Cytronix

    New Ooth by African Mantid!

    Just one more question about the incubation (Sorry lol). Would it matter about the Ooth's orientation or being facing up on the ground do just fine?
  8. Cytronix

    New Ooth by African Mantid!

    Alright thank you for your time!  :)
  9. Cytronix

    New Ooth by African Mantid!

    Yeah. Luckily the other side wasn't exposed so that's good. How many eggs would be expected in an Ooth for Miomantis sp. and if mine was damaged how many would be expected to hatch if  incubated? 
  10. Cytronix

    New Ooth by African Mantid!

    This is the Ooth. My mother was trying to trap a fly into the container but was unaware she was kind of crushing the Ooth in the process  :(  I really hope its okay  She did take it out. The other side seemed fine. I just realised while placing the Ooth back.
  11. Cytronix

    Found Female Mantis - Need help on its Condition

    Ah alright then. I guess I just misunderstood. Its pretty hard to determine but she has lost a lot of energy and weight from laying that Ooth. Thanks for the info  :)
  12. Cytronix

    New Ooth by African Mantid!

    My mantid (miomantis caffra) laid an ooth top edge of the container. Really excited to see its progress and the day it hatches :D . Apparently my mom took it off and placed it elsewhere in the container so Im going to have to place it back where it was. Since I'm a beginner at keeping a Mantid...
  13. Cytronix

    Found Female Mantis - Need help on its Condition

    Yeah. Apparently she already has laid an Ooth as of now. She seems okay but tired. Feeding her regularly and she is getting a lot of rest.
  14. Cytronix

    Trouble Finding Food for Mantid

    Yeah. I'm starting to look in different places for bugs n that and I don't really prefer feeding my Mantid honey since its poop becomes sticky and hard to clean, probably once in a blue moon. Just curious if there's any other options than to find bugs in case if there's none. It's getting very...
  15. Cytronix

    Trouble Finding Food for Mantid

    Hello! I have 1 adult female mantid (Miomantis caffra) who initially refused to eat moths but now ate a large moth around 3 days ago which should keep her full for a while. I'm currently finding moths outside the house (or inside for that matter) with no luck, or any other bug since winter is...
  16. Cytronix

    Hi! I'm Electra + New Mantid

    Thank you so much for your response  :)
  17. Cytronix

    Found Female Mantis - Need help on its Condition

    Hello everyone! I have a green female African mantis with me right now. The story was I had found her in my home 2 weeks ago, I would've left it alone but it would die due to the lack of water and bugs (except spiders) lurking around the house. I gave her a moth but she refused it and decided...
  18. Cytronix

    Hi! I'm Electra + New Mantid

    Hello! I have been a member of Mantid forums for over a year now. I never really got to introduce myself at first so why not?  My name is Electra and I reside in a beautiful country called New Zealand. I am 19 and have been collecting invertebrates since I was 3. I currently have one adult...
  19. Cytronix

    Adult too soon?

    Yeah a Miomantis Caffra and it did molt at a wrong position but I couldn't really do anything.
  20. Cytronix

    Adult too soon?

    My pray mantis recently molted and she grew wings. I don't know if she's too young or too small to be an adult because I've seen other adult pray mantises and they look a lot bigger when they're adults (same species). I probably don't know enough, but Is this normal? She should be an L5.