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  1. birdiefu

    Is there any way to save this?

    I wanted to pop back in here even though this thread is old, to give an update on Mrs. Pickles and hopefully give some hope to those who have had to struggle with the heartache and uncertainty of nursing mismolted mantids. Mrs. Pickles is a miracle mantis to my family, not only because she...
  2. birdiefu

    Blue bottle flies

    Water crystals for moisture and mix of protein powder, powdered milk, and bee pollen are what I offer my adult flies. In a pinch you can just use a folded paper towel soaked in some watered down honey for moisture plus some nutrition. Put the container of flies in the fridge for a good few...
  3. birdiefu

    Acute Psychosis

    It is brave of you to post of these very personal affairs, I think it is good to get these feelings out and not feel ashamed of them. After I had my first child I was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis, although it may not have been true psychosis as though I had visual and auditory...
  4. birdiefu

    Black fluid in thorax, clogged mouth

    Congrats on her recovering so far and eating yummy guts on her own! Always great to hear stories that turn out happy...fingers crossed she comes out in tip-top shape after her next molt :)
  5. birdiefu

    Blue bottle flies

    That same source sells spikes (maggots). When shipped in the heat, they would pupae in transit without heat packs, rather than hatching as files in transit if you purchase as pupae. If you buy the spikes, you receive pupae, and pop those in the fridge to only let however many you want become...
  6. birdiefu

    Mantis where's Waldo!

    Lol, I see the ghosts, they are do dang cute!!
  7. birdiefu

    Help determining instar?

    Congrats, it's a boy! And all grown up :) Hints: more than 6 abdominal segments and has wings
  8. birdiefu

    Black fluid in thorax, clogged mouth

    Glad that he seems to be improving! Some of the inappetence may be related to recently molting, so hopefully it picks up again shortly. Good luck :)
  9. birdiefu

    Sound the Trumpets !! RA TA TAAA!!

    Congrats to Keket (The Magnificent ;) ) on making a looooong yet successful journey to adulthood! May she spend many months enjoying her new wings, maybe put her on record for her lifespan, lol. Does she have a suitor in mind to continue her legacy after her well-deserved molting break?
  10. birdiefu

    Is there any way to save this?

    Thanks, Deathlok and Vespertino! I'm very happy that she has had a successful mismolt journey so far, if anything my son and I have learned a lot more about mantid care from her :)
  11. birdiefu

    Fed Mantis Wild Silverfish

    Sorry for the bump, but this vid is hilarious!! Especially from 1:00 to 1:10 or so, lol.
  12. birdiefu

    Orchid is turning pink!

    Congrats on the pink! How long since the last molt? I have noticed some color changes in my S. viridis about a week out from a molt (from tan to green), which seemed to intensify for a few more days.
  13. birdiefu

    Acromantis japonica molted to adult! Obtaining the green trim.

    Great photos, and I love how those wings settle into that final color :)
  14. birdiefu

    Is there any way to save this?

    Yesterday was my B-day, so I stayed up pretty late. Two Ghosts molted that day, and right before midnight my son calls me in this sorta-quite voice to come over to Mrs. Pickles. She was mid-molt, at the point where all legs are out and she is hanging by her abdomen. My first thought was "she...
  15. birdiefu

    Is there any way to save this?

    Well, she did *not* molt while I was away Sat night, thank goodness! Cause she molted last night and needed a bit of assistance. She is in one piece (whew), I will post more of an update with pics later today, I just wanted to add in the pic of my son with her over a week ago with no hindlegs...
  16. birdiefu

    In memory of Pray, our praying mantis

    RIP Pray, thank you for sharing the wonderful moments you and your daughter had with her! Sounds like despite the scary moments, your daughter still loved her Pray so very much and tried to share those feelings with others. I bet in the future if you have others, she may slowly be ok with...
  17. birdiefu

    Any way of liquifying chitin? Got a mantis that can only take liquids

    Awww, adorable! Glad your passed mantis' "twin" could cheer you up - sounds aborable :D . I have so much hair I'm afraid of one getting lost in that mess never to return, lol.
  18. birdiefu

    This is new

    Do you have any photos? Normally when molting they actually will also molt part of the digestive tract (when they are hanging from their abdomen). Are you saying some of this was incomplete or is the old exoskeleton still attached?
  19. birdiefu

    Mysterious death

    Sorry he was gone so quickly after reaching adulthood :( You probably will never know for sure, but like other mentioned I would stay away from the crickets if possible with other mantids to be on the safe side.
  20. birdiefu

    Any way of liquifying chitin? Got a mantis that can only take liquids

    Sorry about your girl's feeding problem. Honestly I don't think there is too much of a need for them to eat chitin itself, as they should be able to synthesize their own from carbohydrate and protein sources. Mantids also don't eat very hard-shelled prey either. As long as they can get essential...