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  1. F

    Favourite Pet-Trade Arthropods?

    Hi!!! In my mantis-raising experience I've fallen in love with arthropoda but I'm not sure what to do with expanding my collection. I live in Canada and I know we have some strange laws regarding insects, but if you could post some bugs available in the trade I'd be grateful! :D
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    Feeding New Nymphs (Chinese)

    THE BABIES ARE HERE!!! its been about 48 hours since they hatched, so im going to see if i can introduce some prey. I havent seen any nymphs displaying any aggressive or hunting behavior at eachother, and I havent spotted any birth defects at all? I dunno if im blind or i managed a good hatch...
  3. F

    Feeding New Nymphs (Chinese)

    WOW!! I didnt expect to get so many kind and informative comments. Honestly, I thank all of you! I knew these little guys were hard to raise before buying the ootheca, but unfortunately they're the only kind available to me, and one of the few legal in my country! all of these posts will prove...
  4. F

    Albino Insects

    Incredible! Beautiful mantis! let me know if anybody IDs it, I love a good mystery :P I'm willing to hazard that any creature that forms pigment and passes genes can be born with albinism, and that it can occur just as easy in a mantis. Even PLANTS can be albino, as detrimental as it can be...
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    Feeding New Nymphs (Chinese)

    Hi! I'm due to get a Tenodera sinensis ootheca very very soon, and I've read that you shouldn't feed new nymphs much in the first couple days since it can stress them out. Since I want to keep mortality to a minimum (I have some non-believers in my midst who think they'll ALL die out! not on my...
  6. F

    New to hobby: nymph enclosures

    great idea!! i like this better than the deli cups lol
  7. F

    Inert bones as decoration?

    hi! im new to mantid keeping and ive been gobbling up the plenty of information on this forum (especially on nymphs and feeding, so if you have any fav threads, feel free to share!) but i figured i should actually ask some good questions and stop lurking so much. :P i have a small exo terra...
  8. F

    Selective breeding for new traits?

    Great question! very interested in this kind of stuff, it wouldn't be impossible and in time would be quite lucrative selling-wise - especially in areas with tight mantis restrictions. I know that this worked out with snakes very well and theres a booming economy there, though im new to invert...
  9. F

    Mantid drawings

    VERY lovely line weighting you did there, you really know what you're doing! great work!
  10. F


    Hi! I dunno what was so appealing about my title that got it a click, but I thank you for opening it up anyways! My name is Fraidy, I'm going to college in a Hospital Unit Clerk program, I'm Canadian, and I certainly cant hamper my curiosity, so here I am! I got my interest in mantids by...