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  1. IMG_1875.JPG


  2. Indian?


    Could anyone ID my mantis please? I was told by the seller it is 'Indian' but that's all he said was on the description on the packaging when it was delivered to him. Approx 3 weeks old, very fast, about an inch and a half long. Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm new to this and still l
  3. ID please!

    ID please!

  4. G

    Help please

    I've just tried again to feed her. She was a little more enthusiastic this time. She can raise her body up but her and was actively trying to grab at the cricket I offered. She ate a small amount, had a drink of water, I put a drop on her remaining raptor and she drank it. Then she layed back...
  5. G

    Help please

    Thank you for the replies. It's worse than we thought I'm afraid.  Closer inspection this morning found she has also lost one of her pincers from her front leg. I can only assume she has fallen from her branch post-moult because her old exoskeleton is completely in tact. She isn't moving apart...
  6. G

    Help please

    Our deadleaf mantis just shed but lost a back leg in the process. She's lying on the bottom of her vivarium occasionally trying to move but to no avail. Is this the end for her or can she be saved?  Any advice will be appreciated 
  7. G

    New Deadleaf owner.

    Thanks for the welcome everybody!  She was originally my mums, but was given to us as a gift on Christmas day. She was a couple of months old at the time but was tiny, about an inch long. My mum kept her in a small plastic container and she was happy, we, however decided to buy her a proper...
  8. G

    New Deadleaf owner.

    Hi. My name's Gav, I'm 38, a husband and a dad of 3.  We're from Nottingham in England and are currently (and successfully!) raising our first  female Deadleaf Mantis. Thought we'd join this page to get tips and advice as it's our first time around with insects, they're fascinating!