14 days from sub. Already going to molt?


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri
My female Taumantis has been a sub-adult for 14 days. I think her wings are swelling already. Isn't this too early for that to happen? She's stopped eating food at her normal clip. She used to eat one grasshopper per day, now she eats one Blue Bottle every other day.

Here she is. Think she's going to molt soon?

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well it depends on your temp and feeding, so if you feed her often and the temps are high, this is fine, but 14 sounds a little short. It should be more like 16-18 imo

Thats too little imo, but if the mantis si ready, its ready. We can't predict when theyl shed, so i wouldnt be worried. ;)

She might wait a day or two, though. Mine get swollen buds about three days before molting and stop eating around that time too. ;)

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I agree with Rick. The average times one reads about for molting intervals per species are just averages. There has to be some times on either side of the mean. If the mantis is showing the signs, just get it in the best enclosure for the final molt as you can, provide the right temperature range and r/l. and hope for the best. You have a beauty there. Good luck!

wow id say the molts gonna happen tonight with the way the buds are. If she's molting that fast you must be feeding her well theres nothing to worry about.

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Wingbuds can stay swollen for a while before the final molt. I am usually confident that a molt will happen within 24 hours when I notice frequent and rythmic abdominal movements, that don't stop for more than a couple minutes.

Also, the tip of the abdomen can appear open like it is airing out or something. in later instars,(If this happens in earlier instars, I can't see it :eek:nline2long: ).

Wingbuds can stay swollen for a while before the final molt. I am usually confident that a molt will happen within 24 hours when I notice frequent and rythmic abdominal movements, that don't stop for more than a couple minutes.

Also, the tip of the abdomen can appear open like it is airing out or something. in later instars,(If this happens in earlier instars, I can't see it :eek:nline2long: ).
The end of the abdomen is DEFINITELY open.
