1st Fruit flies culture attempt= FAIL!


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Feb 20, 2010
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I use 8banana, 1/4 cup of sugar, oatmeal, and some instant yeast for the medium

1st i blend 8banana with the sugar, then add in oatmeal and stir, put in the medium in the container and sprinkle some instant yeast on it

I then put in some raflia rope into the container and added around 20fruitflies into it

Everything seems fine for the 1st day, i saw some of the flies starting to laid eggs on the raflia rope

but thhe next day, the medium turned from light yellow to dark brown color and begin to smell

3rd day and all of the flies are doomed, no maggot and there is a layer of water on the medium :(

Here's some picture to explain

This is how it looks like on the 1st day




Meanwhile i still have plenty of maggots turning to pupa now


Gotta find solution before they hatch....

Anyone have any suggestion?

Hmm... I actually planning to make the recipe there but couldn't find brewer yeast :(

Maybe i should search harder

Your mixture is obviously way too moist, which is why the maggots have crawled to the top of the pot to get away from it. It sounds as though you used too many bananas and probably not enough fruit flies. The smell and liquid, I would guess, come from the rotting bananas. Read Orin's sticky at the top of this forum and try that. You can always add a little banana to encourage egg laying. Don't use liquor to stimulate egg laying, though, since this is a sinful waste of booze.

This is why I use premaid medium. Yeah it costs money but it works great.

Your mixture is obviously way too moist, which is why the maggots have crawled to the top of the pot to get away from it. It sounds as though you used too many bananas and probably not enough fruit flies. The smell and liquid, I would guess, come from the rotting bananas. Read Orin's sticky at the top of this forum and try that. You can always add a little banana to encourage egg laying. Don't use liquor to stimulate egg laying, though, since this is a sinful waste of booze.
Those maggot in the pic isn't my fruitflies culture container

They are in a fruitflies trap that i made, with inverted funnel in a bottle and dead crickets as bait

Actually the amount of banana i used is recommended in a recipe i got online...

Well, maybe i shouldn't have follow it exactly

This is why I use premaid medium. Yeah it costs money but it works great.
Where can i find it online?

Put some loosely rolled coffee filters in it and it will soak up the juice and they should be fine.
Thanks for the tips, will do next tie :)

I buy mine from carolina.com. Do a search under drosophila. They will send the yeast with it too.
