2 Jumping Spiders - (Macro HD video)


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Nice resolution. Too many eyes!

Oooohhgh I I dunno man I've always been deathly afraid of the spiders.

I have seen a few little jumping spiders around Cali in my days though. They are usually little tiny fuzzy ones just like those (or not maybe for all I know!)

I think mantids are helping me to lighten up on spiders a bit though but seriously spiders are always after me :( :unsure:

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Nice resolution. Too many eyes!

Oooohhgh I I dunno man I've always been deathly afraid of the spiders.
I'm not big into spiders myself. I don't trust arachnids. Too unpredictable.

But jumping spiders are different somehow. They have a more expressive intellect I can relate to. Just like mantises, they react and interact with their environment with awareness beyond the average mechanistic insect mind.

OK I can maybe do the little cute fuzzy ones. lol

Not the tarantulas from my old house though that used to be found roaming the floor when we woke up in the morning or the middle of the night.

Also I think I got bit up the other day by a spider who made its way into my motorcycle jacket, half way through my ride. I kept feeling bites and had huge marks on me when I got to my destination but never found out "who" the culprit was. Still have the marks on me now days later! Nasty.

Also I think I got bit up the other day by a spider who made its way into my motorcycle jacket, half way through my ride. I kept feeling bites and had huge marks on me when I got to my destination but never found out "who" the culprit was. Still have the marks on me now days later! Nasty.
I'm pretty sure that was just a rattlesnake in your jacket. I wouldn't worry about it. They're harmless. :whistling:

lol I didn't know what it was at the time it kinda freaked me out. I was wondering if I was going to pass out from toxins any minute while at speed in the canyons on the motorcycle. A rush I hope I don't have to experience again that's for sure. :lol:

The only bugs I have found in my closet lately anywhere near my motorcycle gear were spiders, giant red termites with wings, crickets and fruit flies :wacko:

The weird thing is I didn't feel any bites until 15 minutes into the half hour ride.

Coulda been something airborn/picked up or a stowaway that slept on my bike that night I suppose.. hard to say. I sure have some mean marks left. Another reason bikes are a PITA if you don't love every second of it.

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