6 winged fly?


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Hey, I caught a golden colored fruitfly in my moms car. I also want to mention that it has 3 wings: 2 normal ones and 1 small one.

I guess its a female because I got 3 males and they are all trying to mate with it. They're brown.

so there are 4 fruitflies total in a jar with a smushed banana. Lets see what happens :)

Are you feeding them off? I seriously want some to breed too...
It would be useless to ship, as to keep them going, it requires at least 6 cultures. They die so quickly that in order for them to have time to lay eggs, you've got to have tons of them. Unfortunately they have all died now :cry: .

Maybe if Sparky's have some offspring, then they will live longer.

You could send the larvae which would ship without problem.

YAY they finally hatched they are all normal, brown tan coloring, BUT! While I was feeding them off to my nymphs, guess what, I found one

with no eyes! :lol:

I put it in a different culture with other FF's but not 1 wanted to mate with it.

now a blind fruitfly would be really cool, it would be easy to grow, and could escape the pupa, if you release some into a cage(with all of their needs of course) they might develope better antennae etc.


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