A concern about forum staffing


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bug-cats or cat-bugs? That is the real question.
Supporting Member
Oct 18, 2021
Reaction score
Midwest US
Alright so, I understand that this is a small forum and people have lives. However, I believe we either need more admins/mods that are active on the forum. There was a major argument that really should have been taken care of by now (it’s the second time something ridiculous like this has happened). I don’t mean any disrespect towards our current staff either. You guys are awesome.

I came here from a much larger forum and there were moss that were usually active. They were quick to step in when any debate was no longer respectful or rules were broken. We need something like this on a smaller scale at least. Just a few people who are active enough on the forum (and can act professionally without bias) to keep it an enjoyable place.
I'm certainly getting enough messages from admin about becoming a contributing member, so they have time for that. Just not time to shut down off topic/disrespectful messages.

It's not like this forum has a lot of activity that would require loads of time to check that everything is still a-okay.
Yeah, but it would be nice just to have a trustworthy member or two who has the power to shut down arguments or give warnings. After the forum was sold, it seems like we rarely hear from the admins outside of asking for donations.
That doesn't seem surprising to me at all, sadly. It would definitely be nice to have someone doing actual mod-ly duties. I'd hardly consider paying money for a forum that doesn't have something like that actively in place, especially considering the ones I frequent who aren't asking for funds provide those services already.
That doesn't seem surprising to me at all, sadly. It would definitely be nice to have someone doing actual mod-ly duties. I'd hardly consider paying money for a forum that doesn't have something like that actively in place, especially considering the ones I frequent who aren't asking for funds provide those services already.
It is sad how little the owners likely care about this forum. I also have no interest in supporting this forum until we can get some kind of proper system up and running. This place deserves to be run by the people who actually care about whether or not the forum owners do.
It is sad how little the owners likely care about this forum. I also have no interest in supporting this forum until we can get some kind of proper system up and running. This place deserves to be run by the people who actually care about whether or not the forum owners do.
The forum owners don't seem to care about the content here, sadly. They didn't open the forum out of a love for these weird little bugs. I understand that forum hosting takes a certain amount of money each month, and members being willing/able to assist can certainly help balance that out (along with whatever ad revenue they generate). But this place is not large, and the coding is old so it can't take up that much space. It certainly doesn't warrant pestering members. They can at least provide the basic functions required of forums - other than the hosting.
The forum owners don't seem to care about the content here, sadly. They didn't open the forum out of a love for these weird little bugs. I understand that forum hosting takes a certain amount of money each month, and members being willing/able to assist can certainly help balance that out (along with whatever ad revenue they generate). But this place is not large, and the coding is old so it can't take up that much space. It certainly doesn't warrant pestering members. They can at least provide the basic functions required of forums - other than the hosting.
It seems the best thing we can do is enforce basic decency around ourselves by holding people accountable.
Alright so, I understand that this is a small forum and people have lives. However, I believe we either need more admins/mods that are active on the forum. There was a major argument that really should have been taken care of by now (it’s the second time something ridiculous like this has happened). I don’t mean any disrespect towards our current staff either. You guys are awesome.

I came here from a much larger forum and there were moss that were usually active. They were quick to step in when any debate was no longer respectful or rules were broken. We need something like this on a smaller scale at least. Just a few people who are active enough on the forum (and can act professionally without bias) to keep it an enjoyable place.
Why don't you volunteer for the job?
Why don't you volunteer for the job?
Honestly I would love to but I’d have to be able to have the power to do it lol. I do admit I went overboard in entertaining the current situation I had. Could have been handled better.

Also I doubt the old members on here would really want someone as new as me to moderate the forums.
This used to be a really active forum. Dont know what happened. People went onto something else I guess.
FB killed the forums because these cost money and time but on FB anybody can make their own forum with zero cost and time. This happened in the past and the free version eventually started charging after they killed everything paid.
FB killed the forums because these cost money and time but on FB anybody can make their own forum with zero cost and time. This happened in the past and the free version eventually started charging after they killed everything paid.
I prefer forums when it comes to special interest groups. You can find everything you need in one place. I'm sure there's informative stuff on FB, but it seems to be scattered all over. Either that or I just don't know a good way to find it.
The biggest problem with so many of the FB forums is that you have to join FB to use them. LOL. I don't use FB so I had to create a fake profile just to respond to an invite. The forum I joined shut down a few days later. 😀
Plus, you have to be careful when using using the words, buy or sell... FB has their marketplace rules and will want their cut if they suspect anyone is making money. They actively scan for those words and others that indicate buying or selling activity... including PMs. Pages often just disappear overnight or get shut down by FB for whatever reason.

Forums like this are great for data retention. I doubt you'll ever find a FB group that will last as long as this forum.

This forum has been here longer than many of the folks who use it. 😂
I browse through the FB Marketplace every now and then. Searching for folks in my area selling used pet supplies. Aquariums/terrariums, etc. I haven't purchased anything though.