A couple from the collection


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2018
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I grabbed a couple of quick pics today, both these species are brilliant in my opinion.

First my lone female creobroter gemmatus.

Creobroter gemmatus.jpg

Creobroter gemmatus2.jpg

Pseudoxyops perpulchra, I have a few of these and they have loads of character.  They chase prey all over the cage and are willing to tackle prey that looks too big.

Pseudoxyops perpulchra.jpg

:)  They are beautiful! I love the creos. I used to have two girls, but they got old.

- MantisGirl13

Nice photos.  Love the look of that P. perpulchra.  Don't see many of those.  I love the scrappy/aggressive species.  First because it's just so much easier to keep them well fed if they're willing to stalk or pursue, and second because it's just neat seeing them go after prey.  Good luck with both of your mantises!

Here's hoping I can get some ooths from these.  I have 3 males but only the one female so fingers crossed.  They can only be one or two moults from adult now.

Epaphrodita musarum, I find they have a lot of character and are quite active for a dead leaf mimic. Opposite to my Acanthops which do their best not to move.

Epaphrodita musarum f.jpg

Epaphrodita musarum m.jpg

Great shots, thanks for sharing! I am loving that Pseudoxyops perpulchra!?

A couple of the collection got their wings.

First the male Epaphrodita from above 

Epaphrodita musarum ma.jpgEpaphrodita musarum ma2.jpg

Secondly my male Acanthops erosula, a female also moulted to adult on the same night, unfortunately she must've fallen and mismoulted.  Still alive but a bit curved and has to be handfed otherwise healthy though.  Fingers crossed my last one moults okay.

Acanthops erosula m.jpg

Acanthops erosula 2 m.jpg

I do like a leaf mimic ☺️

For the flower mantid fans Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii subadult

Pseudocreobroter wahlbergii 2.jpg

Pseudocreobroter wahlbergii 3.jpg

Pseudocreobroter wahlbergii.jpg

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Beautiful! I hope your last Acanthops molts well! How is the mismolted female?

- MantisGirl13

Thank you. The female is alive and seems okay, will have to see if she copes with her wonkiness or not. The last acanthops I'm pretty sure is a female so just hoping it'll moult safely and soon. I think my epaphrodita female is gearing up to moult as I offered her a bsf earlier but she didn't want it.  In fact I literally put it in front of her face and whilst it didn't move very far, all she did was gently put her mouth to it and then shoo it away.

Some more pictures, they aren't the best but I was messing about with putting some of them on cymbium.

Firstly 2 of my Pseudoxyops have moulted to adult, both females! I have 2 more that might be males so fingers crossed they hurry up.

Pseudoxops perpulchra 1.jpg

Pseudoxops perpulchra.jpg

I attempted to try and get some shots of one of my Heirodula venosa, these are so difficult to photo as they are so fast and only seem to hold still in their enclosures.

Heirodula venosa.jpg

Heirodula venosa1.jpg

finally everyone knows these ☺️

Hymenopus coronatus.jpgHymenopus coronatus 1.jpg

A bit bittersweet on this one.  These are my two female acanthops erosula, the first is the one which mismolted, she eventually was able to catch her own food but wasn't keen on climbing as she didn't have complete tarsi on her front legs.  She is now end of life and spends her time threat displaying and no longer eats or drinks (you can see a bit of dimpling on her abdomen from dehydration).  Thought I'd try to photograph her before the end.

Acanthops erosula f3.jpg

This is my second female who ended up being a little smaller and lighter in colour but is very much alive and well. She mated with my male before he died and has produced one tiny ooth, hopefully it was just a warm up.

Acanthops erosula f1.jpgAcanthops erosula f2.jpg

This one probably belongs in the phasmid area but I thought I might tease my american friends and put it with the rest of my pictures.

Peruphasma schultei, black beauty stick insect.  I received 13 nymphs the other day along with some Necrosia annulipes they are more delicate at this age so didn't want to mess around with them for a picture.  I will take some proper ones once these all reach adult hood.  I also have some fertilised eggs of Phyllium philippinicum (yellow phase) and Extatosoma tiaratum, currently incubating. 

Peruphasma schultei.jpg

Beautiful mantids! I am sorry that your acanthops female is dying. I hope the other female gives you lots of fertile ooths!

- MantisGirl13

Nice pics..

It is sad that the brown female is dying. Wondering why she is showing threat pose? I hope that the other female will give you a lot of ooths
