A load of bull?


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Morpheus uk

Well-known member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
They got the Guiness worl records 2009 in shops now, and having a quick scan they have Toxodera denticulata is it? as the largest mantis at 20 cm, i found that believable but it says that recently an even larger undescribed mantis is being kept in the pet trade?!

Toxodera denticulata from Java has a body lenght of 20cmHowever, a larger newly discovered and currently undiscribed species from the Cameroon jungle has begun to appear inthe pet trade, dubbed "mega mantis"
:lol: They must be talking about Plistospilota guineensis? or possibly P cameroonensis?? although i fail to see how 12 cm is bigger than 20cm :blink:
A lot of...

The mantid figured is not T. denticulata (which may reach 16 cm) but the smaller T. integrifolia. Also, there is no undescribed "mega mantis" in the pet trade, only "mega bull**it" in the heads of the editors...

A lot of...The mantid figured is not T. denticulata (which may reach 16 cm) but the smaller T. integrifolia. Also, there is no undescribed "mega mantis" in the pet trade, only "mega bull**it" in the heads of the editors...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I knew Christian would come regulate.

Time to go crack some heads!


The 'new' large species that is being referred to as 'Mega-Mantis' is Plistospilota guineensis. It really isn't new, only to those that have only seen it in the UK over the past two years. I got the original stock from a breeder in France in 2006. It was named Mega mantis by another breeder last year. There have been statements written that suggest it grows to 17cm, but I've never seen one longer than 12cm :unsure:

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The 'new' large species that is being referred to as 'Mega-Mantis' is Plistospilota guineensis. It really isn't new, only to those that have only seen it in the UK over the past two years. I got the original stock from a breeder in France in 2006. It was named Mega mantis by another breeder last year. There have been statements written that suggest it grows to 17cm, but I've never seen one longer than 12cm :unsure:
The species is beast. :p

All of these "mega mantis" things have turned out as bull...

I know, I'd have to make sure my toy rat terrier would'nt be near it because they would prolly duke it out till the end lol.

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I know, I'd have to make sure my toy rat terrier would'nt be near it because they would prolly duke it out till the end lol.
no not really it will more be something like a long grass-like mantis.

if it had the builds of a hierodula you probably could worry...

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Does anybody breed them or own them because that would be a sweet mantis to have in the hobby. I would love to own one.


I wouldnt think so looking at its build, very vlimsy and elongated, some big mantids such as Euchomonella are big but only eat small prey items, who knows what feathered mantids eat.

Plus there are no feathered mantids in culture apart from a relative of them which dont look half as good, they are protected and extremly hard to keep

The 'new' large species that is being referred to as 'Mega-Mantis' is Plistospilota guineensis. It really isn't new, only to those that have only seen it in the UK over the past two years. I got the original stock from a breeder in France in 2006. It was named Mega mantis by another breeder last year. There have been statements written that suggest it grows to 17cm, but I've never seen one longer than 12cm :unsure:
Does anyone sell them? They are pretty beastly looking. o_0
