A very silly mantis 101 blog.


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Heh heh... very funny. :) Also, I didn't know about their auditory system! Are they able to sense vibrations when we speak to them or is the world just silent except for bats?

Heh heh... very funny. :) Also, I didn't know about their auditory system! Are they able to sense vibrations when we speak to them or is the world just silent except for bats
No idea, I was just doing it all from facts lodged in my brain!! I'm going to go back through it and do more research into it to make it a thing of beauty. :D

(Thanks all!)

Heh heh... very funny. :) Also, I didn't know about their auditory system! Are they able to sense vibrations when we speak to them or is the world just silent except for bats?
I read that it is only some species that have this and even then it is only the males... Anyone else read this? In fact I think it was one of the forums on this site. I think it also said that instead of focusing on a location of the bat, it really just sends a signal to the mantid brain to drop from wherever it is. Usually flying, it will just fall to evade.... Though I would be willing to bet if it's flying, and hits the ground, it will probably die a more painful death than if it was just eaten...

Thanks for that, Mr. Hyde. Very interesting discussion... I guess Siri can't hear me cooing to him, but it's habit now, so I'm sure I'll still talk to him regularly! :D

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