Actual adult size of budwings


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Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
Boston area
Hello all,

I keep reading conflicting information about the size a typical budwing attains. I've read males reach 4cm, and I've also read 3-4 inches. If anyone could enlighten me that would be great. Thanks!

Agreed, 2.5" to 3.25" for females, 1/3 to 1/4 that for the males(tiny little guy's). The girls get FAT as adult, and prego. :p

Agreed, 2.5" to 3.25" for females, 1/3 to 1/4 that for the males(tiny little guy's). The girls get FAT as adult, and prego. :p
Thanks guys (or gals) :p So these would be considered medium size then? I have a tiny L3 (not sure about its sex) and it just ate a fly almost as big as it was. I love these things :p

They do love their dinner as Rebecca emphatically stated. They are far from communal as adults or even as a subadult and female. They will ruin your day if you think that these colorful mantids can be trusted to leave your smaller species alone, when they least expect it. A dido about an adult female Creobroter pictipennis. I mean even in the presence of many BBs.

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They may be the most aggressive and hardest striking mantis I ever owned, they will eat there own shadow. I call them my little HULK'S, but they are very happy to jump in my hand and never strike at me, they just stare at me with those BIG eye's, Very under rated !!!

Well, I am very happy that I chose this species as my first. I'm curious why you guys say the budwing is underrated though. Seems everyone here appreciates them and they seem to be the choice for a lot of beginners. Maybe the more experienced mantis keepers under appreciate them? :eek: If so, shame on you :p haha. Bought some tiny crickets for him today, let's see how he likes them...

Mostly talking about their $$$ value, not fun to watch value. If everyone has a certain type or can get them for $2 each-free their not rare or highly sought after. and a newbie can take full advantage of that! ;)

And yeah once your in it for a while some people want ones that are more rare and hard to raise for a challange.

Keep your eye's open for good deals on "underrated" mantis in the classified section here. :)

Mostly talking about their $$$ value, not fun to watch value. If everyone has a certain type or can get them for $2 each-free their not rare or highly sought after. and a newbie can take full advantage of that! ;)

And yeah once your in it for a while some people want ones that are more rare and hard to raise for a challange.

Keep your eye's open for good deals on "underrated" mantis in the classified section here. :)
Thanks for the advice, will do :) I see I missed a few great deals already!

This is what is good about the female Budwing. Everyone has over stunned in the freezer a fly or three. Well a couple pr three times lately I have forgotten a BB in the freezer. There is only one way to not have it go to waste. I take out my only big Budwing virgin (adult) and let her sniff the fly. She doesn't care if it is moving or not, She just takes it in one of her big front raptoral claws and begins to chomp. She did it for me twice yesterday and at least two other times this week.

Think budwings are my favorite. Everytime I show my face over the top of the cage, my little L4 comes running like a puppy to me. It runs like a spider. Those things are so adorable.

Ok, I think I have a male on my hands. He's L6, and still not more than 1.5 inches. He doesn't have many more molts left, right?

only one i belive and yeah i think so although i have not kept that species. I am a newbie too! I have violins creos a ghost and a shield. All non adult :lol: do you have pictures of him(?) ?

Not sure if you can tell from these pics, but this is the little one.


