Adult chinese mantis not eating


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Aug 31, 2010
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I have an adult praying mantis, unsure of gender, although I suspect it is a male. Molting always went well and it had been eating quite voraciously. One day I tried crickets which it gobbled up and LOVED. Then I purchased some feeder blue bottles and houseflies. The mantis kind of turned up it's nose at those, so I figured, try crickets again. It munched on a cricket and mangled it, then let it go. The cricket is still alive. It also started eating a blue bottle, tore off it's wing, and let it go, too. And now it's not eating and hunting like it used to. There are also some fruit flies in there, but it is an adult now, and think the fruit flies might be too small, although it does seem to eat them. It just doesn't seem to have much of an appetite now. What could be going on with it? This started a few days ago.

Maybe it just isn't hungry? If it is an adult male then the behavior sounds normal to me. Those guys eat less and less the older they get.

Maybe it just isn't hungry? If it is an adult male then the behavior sounds normal to me. Those guys eat less and less the older they get.
Okay, thanks. This is my first mantis and I just ADORE it!!! And I do tend to worry a bit too much about it as well.

not to hijack the thread but thank you for posting the pix I had ordered a female chinese from Peter and was not 100% sure of the one i have and this shows for sure its a male


I have to agree. Those pictures were MOST helpful, and I am 99 percent sure mine is a male now. That made all the difference to be able to see those pictures! Thanks!
