Oh boy, I'm about 4/5 asleep at this time of night and yr pic looks even better when I can't think. The three water droplets on the right of the pic are biconvex lenses. Parallel rays of light travelling from the grass to the droplet are made to converge to a point of focus. The point of focus of the smallest droplet was right at your camera sensor. The other two had a shorter focal length and so the images are out of focus. Or so I half think, I shall probably find that I was wrong in the morning

That nice large droplet at the bottom, where the line separating the frons from the clypeus is, appears to be acting like a convex mirror and reflecting the grasshopper's right labial palp and the area just above it. Because of the limited depth of field in a pic like this, the palp itself is slightly out of focus but the reflected image is in focus and enlarged. Very cool. I'll have to look again when I wake up.