age to start using crickets as food


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Rob: I think that this is a good time to introduce you to the best handbook available on mantis care, Praying Mantids: Keeping Aliens by Orin McMonigle and A. Lasenby. You can buy it here:, just scan down. These guys were raising mantids before many current members knew what a mantis was. Let me quote you a line (from the first edition): "The nymphs and adults do well on many foods, such as leaves, leftovers, old fruits and vegetables, and dried dog or cat food." p.20

It will only cost you $16 plus postage, a lot less than the $65 that a 5lb bag of "Cricket Crack" -- which bears no mention of what it contains -- will cost you! :D
Please stop posting false information about a product that you know nothing about.

The ingredients of the product is both listed publicly from the maker and on each package.

Its time you give this subject a rest. You are way out of line here, regardless that I agree that you have the right to your opinion.



You can overwater your mantis if there's standing water on a regular basis, however with central heat at this time of year it's difficult if the cage is vented well. I could mist mine half a dozen times a day without hurting them at present humidity levels.

Please stop posting false information about a product that you know nothing about.
Harry, I guess you're talking about dog food but your problem is you have zero information on vitamin A's effect on mantids. In addition you have no evidence it is transferred during feeding as mantids commonly dump gut content and may not digest A. If you want to write about vitamin A excess as a cautionary possibility that's fine (maybe people will believe you that it's a fact if you write about it long enough) but you're posting a 'sky is falling' theory with no factual support and pretending it is absolute fact.

Thanks everyone for all the comments!

I generally like to go for the 'simpler is better' approach, but I will definitely take all this advice into consideration, and I'll buy a copy of that book as well.


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