Aggressive easy species of mantis


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Sep 4, 2016
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Maryland, USA
Hello, I am hoping to get a new mantis species soon. But I would like whatever species it is, to be aggressive, easy to care for (as in not too many special requirements) and that it will hunt prey rather then stay still and wait for it to come to them.  I have been looking into getting the Giant Asian mantis (H. membranacea) but don't know when they will be available again. There is also the Giant African Mantis Sphodromantis lineola but I don't know much about them.

What are differences in Hierodula and Sphodromantis mantises in terms of care and requirements and temperament?

Other then these two does anyone here have any suggestions on aggressive easy to care for species?


The care of H. membranacea and S. lineola is the same. They are both hardy species that also look very similar.

The  "standard look" mantids from the Mantinae subfamily are generally pretty sturdy without much special requirements. Some other genera that are in captivity include Rhombodera, Prohierodula, Tenodera, Polyspilota, Plistospilota and Pnigomantis. Parasphendale species are also a great choice.

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I have 2 giant African mantis. They are very neat to watch hunt... but as far as handling, my male likes to go crazy and start running around my room, which I'm not a fan of haha. I'm hoping he will calm down with age though, he is only just a nymph. Anyways both the African and Asian mantis are awesome mantis so have fun!

I would reccomend Polyspilota Aeruginosa. They are impatient when it comes to hunting and won't stop until they catch their prey. They grow relatively huge, and care for them is very minimal. 

Hi, I'd recommend H. membranacea. Got a few of them yesterday. They actually will jump or run right up behind a bug and eat it. Very cool to watch. I got mine from a member here that goes by CherylDeWit. 
