Aggressive male!! :(


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
La Canada, California
I tried re-connecting my popas again today and the male was interested and started creeping towards her. Thats when I left the room the fill up my mist bottles. I came backing and the male was mounted on the female but her abdomen was bleeding and so was the end thorax. It appeared he had pinched her abdomen and the pinched her thorax. SHe is eating a crix now. Do you think she will make it? Also her wings are now messed up :(

I tried re-connecting my popas again today and the male was interested and started creeping towards her. Thats when I left the room the fill up my mist bottles. I came backing and the male was mounted on the female but her abdomen was bleeding and so was the end thorax. It appeared he had pinched her abdomen and the pinched her thorax. SHe is eating a crix now. Do you think she will make it? Also her wings are now messed up :(
How bad are the wounds? I've seen it before a few long as the wounds aren't too deep, she'll be okay.

If its not too bad you can dry the wound and area around, and then apply Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment in order to stop the bleeding and keep it clean.

They are not deep at all.. Just it was gushing out blood a little. Are you sure Neosporin wont kill the mantis? I will try it if you are sure.

I isolated the female. I really need a second ooth from these guys

They are not deep at all.. Just it was gushing out blood a little. Are you sure Neosporin wont kill the mantis? I will try it if you are sure.

I isolated the female. I really need a second ooth from these guys
Don't use disinfectant the antibodies in the blood will keep it from being infected 9 times out of 10.
I use it to keep the wound sealed. I haven't had any issues...those females went on to produce fertile ooths. I even sent some ooths to Ken The Bug Guy, one of which was produced by one of the females that I treated. Those ooths hatched and Traci still has some offspring from them. They are adults now. :)

I've done it a few times over the last three years without issue.

I'm just glad I've never had any breeding related fatalities.

Though, T. a. sinensis is a calm species anyway.

I had this happen with my first breeding. She healed up fine, although I never did get them to breed, mostly because of my own paranoia. Make sure you keep her container extra extra clean to avoid bacteria in the environment, since it now has a portal.
