Agressive Mantids


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Eek! You let those predatory critters run around on your SKIN? Do you realize that the mandibles that rip yr skin are probably coated with rotting fly filth? Why do you think G_d invented oven mitts? :lol:

The closest situation I can relate to biting is when a few of my violins and Chinese nymphs spread their arms and munch on my finger. but this is for moisture they don't actually pierce or eat the skin.

I have never had a mantis bite me but my mio female adult once gave my finger a whack! :lol:

I have been clawed and bitten numerous times. Very rare do they ever draw blood. I was once bit in the cuticle by an adult wide-arm female. That hurt quite a bit. :(

My daughter and I have been grabbed several times, by Chinese mantids. Even with her little fingers and soft skin, I have seen less than a drop of blood. It is the mandibles that will do some real damage, in my experience. It shouldn't get that far if you have something to put in front of their mouth. Unless they get a real good spot, like the cuticle :lol: , it is not very painful. My kid has been known to laugh when she has been grabbed. :mellow:

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