am I the youngest rearer?


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They TEACH that in school? Oh geez what is going on in this world?! I always figured it was laziness. Kat just got started really young. Phil is just messing around. He is a very mature 12.
No. they don't teach that in school, Rick; it is the shorthand used in texting and chat rooms. It also comes with a bunch of acronyms, shudder, (pos = parent's over shoulder, or cyal8r) and curious words, as in "look b4 u leap" just glad i dont no nuthin bout it

And thanks for the compliment, mate! :D

No. they don't teach that in school, Rick; it is the shorthand used in texting and chat rooms. It also comes with a bunch of acronyms, shudder, (pos = parent's over shoulder, or cyal8r) and curious words, as in "look b4 u leap" just glad i dont no nuthin bout itAnd thanks for the compliment, mate! :D
I know that. It was sarcasm.

all depends onhow they were taught in writing class. And if Katnapper is 12, how does she have a husband and a son? And if Phil is 12, how come his profile says he's like 70 or something?
Thats a sad story agent... her father fixed her marriage when she was 9 and her kid is her new husbands first kid.

And well we could all say we are 70, 80 or even 163 years old... it doesnt mean we are that age. Im gonna be 185 years old tomorrow :D

No. they don't teach that in school, Rick; it is the shorthand used in texting and chat rooms. It also comes with a bunch of acronyms, shudder, (pos = parent's over shoulder, or cyal8r) and curious words, as in "look b4 u leap" just glad i dont no nuthin bout itAnd thanks for the compliment, mate! :D
I'll second that. I was never very good in school myself and I LOVE how Mozilla FireFox underlines (IN RED) all of my misspelled words, and then allows me to right-click and pick the correct spellings.

Funny how it all begins... I'm 29 and still remember how important spelling was when filling out homework and such. When I got into high school, this completely changed. All homework was required to be typed up on a computer. The only thing I HAD to write out with a pencil was my math.. and that required VERY little spelling...

Along comes college and not only are papers required to be turned in... typed... some professors would allow you to email or print your homework. Whichever you wanted to do. Towards the end of college, it would be required that we email the papers.

Spelling was no longer a concern... Microsoft Word took care of my spelling.

Growing up we always had a dictionary in the house along with a theseuras and even a hand-me-down set of encyclopedia books. I distinctly remember sneaking one of those encyclopedia's out of the bookshelf and into the back of the garage so my friend and I could point and giggle at the naked tribal men and woman in the encyclopedia.

I can't remember the last time I owned any of those books. I don't anymore. I now giggle when I see them at the book store.

Even before college and before the World Wide Web... I remember AOL being the coolest thing! You could look up words, or get help with your homework. Something called "chat rooms" and "instant messaging" came along.

Even before that were BBS's... "bulletin board systems" where hackers or geeks would gather via a dial-up modem to talk in "forums" or on "boards". Hackers would type out huge.. long instructions on how to do things.... we would get so tired of typing things out like... complimentary metal oxide semiconductor so... we called it CMOS (sea-moss). Soon, we shortened as many words as we could. It made things so much easier to type while drinking your mountain dew and reading code books or old unix command books. I was maybe 13 or 14 years old.. and BBS's were hard to find and my mom always got upset at the phone bills.

When AOL hit... we used it for sharing more information... creating secret chat rooms with code-names so only we could find them. AOL would close them down but they would pop back up. AOL would only allow files of a certain size... say... 1 megabyte... so if you wanted some game.. or some scanned-in electronic book... you would have to split these files into smaller pieces... archives they were called and we used this little known application called WINZIP or RAR or ARJ... to zip up our pirated stuff... then we'd run bots in our hacker rooms to share the files.. the bots would take requests and auto-email you the archived files. It was great... I remember a hacker group named Black Ice... because the chat room was like B1ack1c3. See, AOL would run scans for chat rooms but wouldn't see us because of the #'s in our room names.

wow.. sorry.... lol...

So... texting and instant messaging and typing things out at a quick pace became a higher priority. Go to a high school... any high school and ask to talk to a teacher... ask her for one of her students final-draft papers.. and you'll see that the spelling is great and dead on! ;) that same kid is typing like this "wat do u guys no bout mantids?"

I'll second that. I was never very good in school myself and I LOVE how Mozilla FireFox underlines (IN RED) all of my misspelled words, and then allows me to right-click and pick the correct spellings.Funny how it all begins... I'm 29 and still remember how important spelling was when filling out homework and such. When I got into high school, this completely changed. All homework was required to be typed up on a computer. The only thing I HAD to write out with a pencil was my math.. and that required VERY little spelling...

Along comes college and not only are papers required to be turned in... typed... some professors would allow you to email or print your homework. Whichever you wanted to do. Towards the end of college, it would be required that we email the papers.

Spelling was no longer a concern... Microsoft Word took care of my spelling.

Growing up we always had a dictionary in the house along with a theseuras and even a hand-me-down set of encyclopedia books. I distinctly remember sneaking one of those encyclopedia's out of the bookshelf and into the back of the garage so my friend and I could point and giggle at the naked tribal men and woman in the encyclopedia.

I can't remember the last time I owned any of those books. I don't anymore. I now giggle when I see them at the book store.

Even before college and before the World Wide Web... I remember AOL being the coolest thing! You could look up words, or get help with your homework. Something called "chat rooms" and "instant messaging" came along.

Even before that were BBS's... "bulletin board systems" where hackers or geeks would gather via a dial-up modem to talk in "forums" or on "boards". Hackers would type out huge.. long instructions on how to do things.... we would get so tired of typing things out like... complimentary metal oxide semiconductor so... we called it CMOS (sea-moss). Soon, we shortened as many words as we could. It made things so much easier to type while drinking your mountain dew and reading code books or old unix command books. I was maybe 13 or 14 years old.. and BBS's were hard to find and my mom always got upset at the phone bills.

When AOL hit... we used it for sharing more information... creating secret chat rooms with code-names so only we could find them. AOL would close them down but they would pop back up. AOL would only allow files of a certain size... say... 1 megabyte... so if you wanted some game.. or some scanned-in electronic book... you would have to split these files into smaller pieces... archives they were called and we used this little known application called WINZIP or RAR or ARJ... to zip up our pirated stuff... then we'd run bots in our hacker rooms to share the files.. the bots would take requests and auto-email you the archived files. It was great... I remember a hacker group named Black Ice... because the chat room was like B1ack1c3. See, AOL would run scans for chat rooms but wouldn't see us because of the #'s in our room names.

wow.. sorry.... lol...

So... texting and instant messaging and typing things out at a quick pace became a higher priority. Go to a high school... any high school and ask to talk to a teacher... ask her for one of her students final-draft papers.. and you'll see that the spelling is great and dead on! ;) that same kid is typing like this "wat do u guys no bout mantids?"
Wow. Things sure have changed... and not necessarily all for the better. Thanks for the enlightenment. ;)

Wow. Things sure have changed... and not necessarily all for the better. Thanks for the enlightenment. ;)
Well.... depends on your perspective. Less time worrying about spelling means more time for other things.

Less time typing out full words (spelled correctly or not) means more time for other things.

Today I look at youth... that long hair... so sloppy. Those 1980's pants.... this music... these bubble-gum mass-produced pop princesses. Didn't we do this already? Didn't we have Vanilla Ice, Paula Abdul... didn't we do that whole... fake, crappy, poppy, simpleton music?

and then I realize... lol.. I LOVED Vanilla Ice! I used to listen to Paula Abdul and Madonna! haha

When I was a teen... I listened to gangster rap and pretended I was "tough" living in Orland Park, IL (Golf Capital of the World). lol

I had UGLY hair too... When I listened to my music... my parents or those older than me told me it was junk....

These things... we look at them and we say "the world is going to heck" but it's always been like that... my dad's parents thought Hendrix, Led Zepplin was INSANELY AWFUL! What kind of noise is that!!!!??? the world is going to heck!! lol oh oh... and when Elvis thrust his hips on national television!! SATAN IS COMING WE ARE ALL DEAD!! lol

The truth is, your mind is not doing well at adjusting to the latest and greatest... the newer generations do things that make us shake our heads.. as we did things that made our parent shake their heads.. and none of us our immune to this line of thought....

Phil... what did your generation do to disgust your parents?

Kat, your only what... 9 years ahead of me? What did you do? How about that big hair? What about those tight-rolled jeans? You rebel you! lol

Rick, your close to my age... did you listen to that horrible Guns N' Roses?! You MUST be on drugs if you listen to them!! lol Nirvana? What is THAT noise!? turn that down right now!! ha

What is this world coming to!

With that being said... watz ur prblm? :p

Let me finish with this, and go to bed.... I do think some things are going to heck... yes... here is a video that outlines this... enjoy and good night

Ah, you youngsters! We had to walk to school when I was a kid, and it was always winter and uphill both ways.

We had spelling, of course, real, honest to goodness English spelling. We always "honoured our mum," and our food went down the oesophagus (can't do a diphthong, sorry). We used all the modern slang and called each other "mush" (honest!) and asked, knowingly, "how's yer muvver offa dripping?" always good for a laugh. And we knew all the latest songs, from

"Mairzy Doats And Dozy Doats and liddle lamzy divey A kiddley divey too..." to really risque stuff like "Ain't it a pitty she's only one..." I forget the rest :D

We had most fun in English grammar, though. We had to parse a noun according to number, person gender and case, and a verb according to voice, mood, tense, number and person. A tense could be, pluperfect, perfect, past historic, imperfect, present, future and future perfect. We learned definitions for the parts of speech: "A preposition is a word that comes before a noun or pronoun to show the relationship between it and some other word in the sentence."

And what did my parents, born at the end of the C19 say? "I don't know what kids are coming to, nowadays!" It was all great fun, though, and totally useless, and I can't get it out of my head! With all that stuff buzzing around, no wonder I can never remember where I put my cell!

Loved the video, Dave!! :D

And yes... I did go through a "big hair" stage, lol...

Well.... depends on your perspective. Less time worrying about spelling means more time for other things.Less time typing out full words (spelled correctly or not) means more time for other things.

Today I look at youth... that long hair... so sloppy. Those 1980's pants.... this music... these bubble-gum mass-produced pop princesses. Didn't we do this already? Didn't we have Vanilla Ice, Paula Abdul... didn't we do that whole... fake, crappy, poppy, simpleton music?

and then I realize... lol.. I LOVED Vanilla Ice! I used to listen to Paula Abdul and Madonna! haha

When I was a teen... I listened to gangster rap and pretended I was "tough" living in Orland Park, IL (Golf Capital of the World). lol

I had UGLY hair too... When I listened to my music... my parents or those older than me told me it was junk....

These things... we look at them and we say "the world is going to heck" but it's always been like that... my dad's parents thought Hendrix, Led Zepplin was INSANELY AWFUL! What kind of noise is that!!!!??? the world is going to heck!! lol oh oh... and when Elvis thrust his hips on national television!! SATAN IS COMING WE ARE ALL DEAD!! lol

The truth is, your mind is not doing well at adjusting to the latest and greatest... the newer generations do things that make us shake our heads.. as we did things that made our parent shake their heads.. and none of us our immune to this line of thought....

Phil... what did your generation do to disgust your parents?

Kat, your only what... 9 years ahead of me? What did you do? How about that big hair? What about those tight-rolled jeans? You rebel you! lol

Rick, your close to my age... did you listen to that horrible Guns N' Roses?! You MUST be on drugs if you listen to them!! lol Nirvana? What is THAT noise!? turn that down right now!! ha

What is this world coming to!

With that being said... watz ur prblm? :p

Let me finish with this, and go to bed.... I do think some things are going to heck... yes... here is a video that outlines this... enjoy and good night

You know it. B) I had the tape. No idea where I got it (probably stole it :rolleyes: ) and listened to it ALL the time. I think texting has its place but too many people let that shorthand get the best of them. That stuff isn't gonna fly in college or in a professional setting at work. I think many young people forget how to do it correctly. Technology is great but it's making us lazy. Since I went back to school this summer I find that younger people get on my nerves. I'm 31 going on 45. We should do a thread where you post a pic of you when you were younger.

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okay. If your wondering what that "nhjyumiu" was about, if I was lying and I died, my head would fall on the keyboard like that. :)
O.K. So now you are officially a teenager and will have to behave like all our other well mannered, responible, mantis loving teenagers for the next seven years. And no more keyboard dyspraxia!

Happy birthday! :D


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