Amazing Mantid -Part II


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I posted a little story about an Amazing Mantid a few months ago. To make a long story short: I saved an outdoor mantid twice from drowning. She was so appreciative that she was actually following me and she even jumped on my nose when I was trying to put her back outside. I finally took her inside because we were having such crazy tropical storms in AZ!

Today, she is still inside and happy. She laid 13 ooths!!!! I tried to slow her down by feeding her less, but then she just laid smaller ooths.

She is so healthy, but I noticed that she is only eating half a cricket then she literally throws the rest away. I thought maybe they were bad crickets, but the others are eating the crickets without problems. She is younger than my indoor mantids, and she looks more healthy. The indoor ones are falling apart and still trudging along. Why is she not eating? I'm afraid my amazing mantid is coming to her end.

Does anyone know how many ooths iris oraorias can typically lay? How much time does she have left if the last ooth for her amazing little life was laid 2 days ago?

I don't know the answer... I have not had them.. 13 .... but she sounds amazing... nice story... thanks for sharing...

So sorry for your loss... but man... 14 ooths...amazing! You must have been doing something right! That is the hard part of this hobby, they do not live long... It gives you a chance to try another, and not have to raise and take care of it years and years.

What did you do with all those ooths? Are you going to hatch the ooths?

Thanks everyone. I sold a couple ooths and gave a couple away. I didn't realize how sick she was when she laid the last couple which I'm sure won't hatch. I will try to hatch the rest in my garden, and maybe raise 1 or 2 nymphs. The crazy thing is that she died from eating bad crickets. She was old and couldn't recover from them like the younger mantids did.

I'm gonna start a new thread on the carrot controversy. The crickets were fed carrots at the store I bought them from.

Thanks everyone. I sold a couple ooths and gave a couple away. I didn't realize how sick she was when she laid the last couple which I'm sure won't hatch. I will try to hatch the rest in my garden, and maybe raise 1 or 2 nymphs. The crazy thing is that she died from eating bad crickets. She was old and couldn't recover from them like the younger mantids did.

I'm gonna start a new thread on the carrot controversy. The crickets were fed carrots at the store I bought them from.
Id fed mine crickets before, a week after i fed them carrots... Mantid started puking but fortunately made it through. But i have had 5 or 6 deaths after feeding mine crickets. I always feed mine carrots when i have carrots available. I read from digger that carrots mess mantids up too. It seems we may be onto something here...... Cause i gave my crickets good homes and they were gut loaded

sorry for your losses. :mad:

Hmmm. Yeah, I'm starting to think there is something wrong with carrots.
Thanks, i am sorry for your losses as well

Maybe the cricket food too, i remember feeding my superworms cricket quencher, the orange cubes... My male died after eating those, not sure if it was the hard ecoskeleton or the carrot based cubes

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