And Bam it all looks more modern


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I don't understand how the new setup works, but that's OK , I never understood the old one, either. Just so long as the color scheme stays light and dark green, I'm fine.

Didn't we used to have a smiley with an animated tongue, or was that another forum? I'd like one of those. Here, let me draw one for you: :tt2: Pretty cool, huh?

Can I go to bed now? :tt2:

I do like the new look, but my work computer is having some problems. I mean what do they expect me to work or something? <_< :rolleyes:

Yeah, I like the new forum look. But like any big change, it'll just take a little gettin' used to. :)

Overall I really like the changes.... It seems fast. I worked in IT for many years and we were constantly updating things. So, I'm used to change.

A few things I miss...

1. Seeing the date people joined. It's hard to tell who is a newbie and who is an oldtimer because some people post more frequently.

2. Hibiscusmile and others avatars. Please upload one!

And I used to get notified via email when a new post was added to one of the forums. That stopped working. I've gone in to reset it twice. We'll see if it's working now.

Haha, Tammy!

I read your post and thought I'd try the "I like this" button. the same mindless mechanism that tells me that i can't say "###### robin" told me that I had exceeded my "I like this" votes, even though this was the first one. So,

I Like This!

I don't care for the layout, seems messier than before, but posting seems less archaic to do so that is nice.

Not fond of it so far: it has lost a couple of my new posts - poof! gone - and I have tried changing my avatar pic 5 times over 2 days and it won't stay changed.

Most of the rest is OK.

There are some issues like Avatar's and the new format changed maybe to many things in general and this will need to be addressed, Peter the ball is in your court on this one.

I wonder why nothing happened to my avatar, but some other members' avatars are gone?

Also, the disappearing emoticon window can be tricky. It ends up behind all my windows when I close down my browser.

The join dates are missed as well.

The join date, Tammy, is visible when you click the member's name. I liked seeing it out and next to each person's post too, but I think they're decision to remove it from the forum face was a good one which prevents excessive scrolling (every line counts). Look how many interests Angelofdeathzz has, at left. It's adding several lines to his signature area which means we all lose cumulative seconds of our lives scrolling through his multiple posts in the forum. The Great Mantis Goddess (BbHn) does keep tabs on such universal expenditures of time and we are all judged in the end.

The avatar issue is a minor annoyance as I have already stated. The ball is in each user's court, in fact, to upload a new one (and let me know if it doesn't work). The software seems to encourage people to use the new "gravatar" system. You'll probably see an option for that when you try to edit your avatar. It doesn't appear that Rebecca has attempted to edit her avatar yet. If anybody else besides RevWillie can attest to an avatar-changing issue, please say so. Perhaps the problem is that old avatars did not meet the current avatar size requirements. Avatars that were too small may now show black lines at the borders, while avatars that were too large were deleted or fail to show currently. I suspect Rebecca has no copy of her avatar on file and so I may only apologize for the loss.

The Like This button is now fixed. Everybody gets 5 "Like This" votes per day.

(I am an update-the-software when updates are available kind of guy.)

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Starting today, it seems that I can't view the forum at all unless I am signed in? Has anyone else had this?
