Angry Budwing mantis!!! :D


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:lol: It kinda looks more like Budwing mantis Vs. scary fork thingie.

But if that can get a threat pose out of my lazy mantids I will be looking for some big red fork thingies.

Keep annoyingly poking it's butt and it should get really pissed of! :D
I was hoping that just waving it in front of them and false attacking would do it. No wonder my mantids won't display. I have never tried to surprise them from the rear. :blink:

I just watched all the videos to see if your mantid's butts were still intact. :rolleyes:

It just didn't read right when you typed about butt poking. :unsure: The mantids all look nice and unharmed, so I feel better. ;)

The mantids that I have now don't seem to be able to be upset. I guess because they get out alot, and get gently petted, even on the abdomen, so they must be unafraid or something. :mellow:

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