I found a Mantid last month that seemed to be a immature female. She was very small. Knowing the impending doom of winter I brought her inside. All my adults had passed on, and I was lonely for Mantids anyway. One day I walk by and I see her laying an ootheca. She was still tiny and her Ootheca is also VERY tiny. Is this a freak thing? Did I find another strange displaced mantid? I will add pics to this post soon including mini Ooth. Have you guys ever heard of this?
Btw, one of my ooths hatched! Yay! First one laid which means I'm sure more will be coming. Anyone wanna trade babehs when they are ready?
Btw, one of my ooths hatched! Yay! First one laid which means I'm sure more will be coming. Anyone wanna trade babehs when they are ready?