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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2017
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I don't know how to get rid of my anxiety with my mantis, my hands shake easily and i always am afraid of hurting him by accident or him getting away. I want to help him live along time but i have self confidence issues making it hard for me to think i will raise him to be an adult without me messing up. Any words of advice?, how where you the first time when you raised one? Did you mess up.

You'll do so great. Part of what makes you a great mantis keeper is the fact that you do worry. My first mantis was a ghost, and she's actually still alive. I have an adult Indian flower mantis on my finger as I type that I raised from a nymph. Any molting issues are out of your control! And don't worry about him falling when you hold him. Don't worry about hurting him. I've had a mantis escape and be found four days later, happily lounging on the wall. You seem like a great mantis keeper! :)  

Hi Jessie, I have anxiety too and I'm currently seeking treatment for it--so I totally understand the fear. I have the same self-doubts; when one of my mantises mismolted I was heartbroken and thought it was my fault. Things happen even if you try your best, and that's okay.

I could definitely PM you and talk to you about breathing techniques to help you get the anxiety under control, and rest assured that there are lots of people here on this forum with tons of experience who can help you through whatever questions you have. Most of what I know is directly from this forum, you're in a great place to learn about mantis keeping! You seem like you love your mantis a lot, you'll do fine. :)

If handling stresses you out I would suggest laying a couple of white towels down on the floor and sitting down there with the mantis. The white towels will make it easy to spot your mantis if he jumps off. If your hands shake set your hand down on your lap or the floor and just rest it there while the mantis perches on you. You might also consider gloves or using something like chopsticks/bamboo skewers to let him crawl up on if that buffer will help with your anxiety. Finally, you might find it helps to get some desk plants (just be careful of pesticide if you get live ones) that you can set the mantis on so you can enjoy his presence outside of the cage without needing to directly hold him.

Yes being new with mantis care can be stressful. It also gives you a new clean slate to work with. A chance to do new things, figure out ways to deal with new experience.

The real fun starts when you get comfortable with your pet and you relax with them.

Above posters left great comments that should help. For sure this IS the place for help and info on an amazing life form!

Congratulations! I remember being very worried when I first held George... she kept trying to jump everywhere and it was freaking me out. I'm still very, very paranoid whenever I let her out of the jar, because I would be absolutely crushed if I lost her.

When it comes to pet ownership, though, worrying about every little thing is actually a pretty great way to be. You wouldn't do anything stupid or dangerous and you'll spot a problem immediately. There's definitely a lot of trial and error involved in caring for any new pet, and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Also, I've messed up before, definitely. My brother and I did mantises together, with two nymphs- one his and one mine, but I was still the primary caretaker. His mantis died of paper towels and I buried him and cried. (My younger brother was very apathetic about the whole situation.) George now has soft coconut fiber under her feet so that accident will not happen again. :)


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