Any interesting inverts in US?


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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2010
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Well, I live in boring old England, where there is not very much interesting wildlife around... I was just curious if there was anything which is relatively easy to keep, low maintenance and easy to feed, etc... Also it would need to be able to be sent to England and I would be willing to pay for anything that you might have lots of in America which you might not find very interesting although I would most likely love to watch and keep :)

Thanks and please anything would be considered if there is a certain thing which you can find. Just to let you know I would prefer something which there are lots of and nothing which could become extinct soon.


Have you though of millipedes? There are several dealers for exotic millipedes in the UK. Also several suppliers are in Germany. Have you looked into going to the "bug fairs"? There are some in England.

Well, I have looked into millipedes abit before although decided not for me. I know that there are several breeders in the UK although most of the things are really pricey and also if cb then they have often been inbred multiple times. There are not that many bug fairs available in my area although have been to one in which I got 4 3rd instar gongylus gonylodes (wandering violin mantis) which are now more or less adult. :)

I just want something that is found very much in the US, like I was looking before at treehoppers (thorn bug) and they are like a pest in America. So I mean if there is anything which you often find whilst walking outside then just tell me the name, I will research and see if I would want some. Also I would prefer something that is a herbivore and eats something which is quite easy to find. I also saw some Milkweed Bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus) which looked very interesting and can be fed on sunflower seeds :)



We have three species of treehopper in the UK. Captive bred is usually considered good. The millipedes seen for sale are usually wild caught. I have seen milkweed bugs for sale in the uk. Care needs to be taken in importing species that could become a new pest in the UK such as tree damaging insects. Have a read on the colorado beetle.

And 'Well, I live in boring old England where there is not very much interesting wildlife around' Has familiarity bred contempt? I spend a lot of my weekends looking at UK wildlife.

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Thanks for the reply Gill. I did not know we have three species of treehoppers in the UK, however are these the thorn bugs? I know many people find captive bred good although I find often they are inbred. :(

As I said previously I would not want a millipede and also with the milkweed bugs, they are often also inbred due to their low amounts available.

Wow just read about the colorado beetle! They seem to be very big pests. I will take this into account. Possibly prefer something that would need to be in a warm room and would not be able to infest this country. :)

I know that I said about living in boring old England although more or less all of the insects I find I have already seen elsewhere so they are usual to me and not as exciting.

Thank you for the comments and will take that into consideration. BTW in my room I have a beetle and also a spider I have found in my bedroom :)


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Well. When I was young I had a bad experience with ants and therefore hate them :(

I do find ants fascinating although the fear of a possible escape would make me not be able to get any. My friend actually wants to get some ants and I did look for him on Antstore. :)



Well, it wasn't really that I want pests for the fact that they are pests, but I meant more along the line of something which is not endangered and seeing as pests are never endangered or they woudln't be pests I would want something like that. So should probably have put something along the line of something which is common. I just want something which is quite different and also something in a stage or part of life where it is quite easy to ship, like eggs, etc...

Sorry yet again for the confusion :p Not very good at phrasing words :( I just wanted something which is not dying out in that country as I would feel awful to take something which dies out soon.


Wow. Thanks! Those little things are quite cool and impressive!

Roughly where would I need to look and how difficult would it be to find some? I live in Lincolnshire so are they in that area?

Thanks for all the help :)



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