Any more cham keepers?


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Interesting info. I think they get this rep for 'no UVB' from the 'not true chameleon' labeling, so it's interesting to hear about your success in this regard. Thanks for the info. I'm on a bunch of lists and I always see them pop up for $20 a pop and I want to get them again but then I'm reminded that they only live a few years and die off so quick, but now I have a bit more confidence going in.

What did you feed them?

I have a veiled that I haven't posted about recently, but I took a few photos today. He has grown up to be a fun, yet temperamental, beautiful boy. VERY territorial. lol





Very beautiful male! I had a pair from when they were tiny. But when they grew up they got attitude. I got them to breed and had 79 babies after 10 months waiting for the eggs to hatch.




I did the same and had a pair from babies. Unfortunately, after breeding and hatching 3 clutches I failed them and I lost the babies. Then I lost my female to a prolapse. I am left with my male and an empty cage. I will get another chameleon to fill the empty cage when the right opportunity avails itself, but until then I use it as a mating cage for mantids. lol

You can follow the journey here...
