Anybody here in Long Beach have mantids?


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The Skate Life
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
If any of you guys live in long beach, let me know. I want to know how did you guys get one, I cant find mantids in long beach. Maybe i can get one from you :roll:

Just order one from someone on the forum. Check out the Mantids For Sale/Wanted Forum, I'm sure there's something there you could buy.

my dad doesn't let me buy things online :(

know any nurseries that sell ooths?

I know someone at Long Beach. Maybe I can send him stuff and you can pick it up from him. Well, I don't really have anything to sell right now.

woah cool thanks people, OGIGA tell me when you have some nymphs or ooths to sell, cheap. :D

I might have another stagmomantis californica ootheca in a week or two. I don't know if you really want to go for this kind of ooth because they take 5+ months to hatch. Also, I'm looking forward to having orchid nymphs in maybe 2 months.

alright cool, which ooth will hatch the fastest. I have a jar with peat moss so its pretty humid and foggy in there. Will this make it hatch faster?

I don't have an ooth yet, but im just getting prepared.

Too humid and the Ooth will quickly develop mold. The mould will attack the eggs if the ooth is badly effected and they will die.

I keep my ooths in exactly the same conditions as the female that laid them. That is humidity and temperature.

I have heard that increased humidity can fasten hatch time but prolonged and the ooth will suffer.

Best to be patient.
