Anyone familiar with Zilla Water Pillows?


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Jun 15, 2016
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A pack of zilla water pillows were given to me for my mantids and are advertised for crickets, though I don't really suspect that matters. Are they safe to use to keep humidity in a 32 oz deli cup? I have 3 tenadora sinensis all at l3 and each has their own cup and I would like to use these water pillows to maintain some humidity for them while I am away for 3 days. I just want to make sure that it is safe really. Thanks! 

Well, I don't know about water pillows but cotton balls will hold plenty of water for 3 days. I just soak one in water and drop it in, they don't get bone dry for at least a week, and at 3 days the mantis can still drink from the surface. 

At l3 they should be fine 3 days without food as long as you give a good feeding before you leave. 

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I don't see why they wouldn't be safe. Some have used sponges. I used to use sphagnum moss but eventually settled on paper towels. 
