Are These Plants Mantis-Friendly?


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Active member
Jan 15, 2024
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New York
Hey guys! Just wanted to ask about mantis-friendly plants. I'm probably going to have my enclosure empty for a bit before I can get a mantis in there (darn cold weather!), and I thought that, since I went tot he trouble of doing some nice substrate and a false bottom, I might as well include some plants!

I'm a big plant lover- I mainly keep Hoyas, but I have a peperomia that isn't doing too well that I want to take a cutting from. I also have a lovely little pothos. I'm thinking about either rooting some cuttings in the leftover leca (which is the other reason I bought it), or just sticking some cuttings in there. I don't want to include too much, but I think it would look nice.

So- are hoyas, peperomias, and pothos mantis-friendly plants? I did some looking online and couldn't find a solid answer. Most of my plants are deemed "pet safe" because I do have a cat, but I don't know if it's the same for a mantis.

I like to use NeHerp's vivarium plant shop to check out bug safe plant types, since they're intended for use with anything you want to keep in vivariums. I've used a few Peperomia species and I've had no problems with my mantises!'s the shop, it's a pretty varied list of cool plants.
OMG thank you SO much! This is amazing- and ngl I am eyeing some of those plants for my plant collection, too... Especially the jewel orchids.
If I decide to put together a smaller enclosure, maybe I'll put some jewel orchid cuttings in there. I bet they'd love it!
I've bought all of my vivarium plants from NeHerp and they've mostly been great! I did have some issues with the Peperomia albovittata 'Rana Verde' plants I ordered rotting, but all of my others have either thrived or died because of something that was totally my fault.
I've bought all of my vivarium plants from NeHerp and they've mostly been great! I did have some issues with the Peperomia albovittata 'Rana Verde' plants I ordered rotting, but all of my others have either thrived or died because of something that was totally my fault.
NGL I am majorly considering some of their Jewel orchids. I just made a little terrarium for my very sad jewel orchid last night, hoping it'll do better in there. But I bet a mantis or a jumping spider would look amazing in an enclosure with one of those...

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