Assassin bug - 2 shot pano


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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
SoCal ---> Temecula

Assassin bug by yeatzee (now 17, but still learning), on Flickr

2 image panorama, roughly 70 exposures per final image. F/5.6 with the el nikkor/bellows and the three new jansjo desk lamps used. Quite an accomplishment, and Im VERY pleased to have finally done it :)

100% crop


and another which I found quite interesting


It really is amazing to contemplate the purpose of each small hair and the presence and absence of facets there at the back edge of the compound eye. I wonder if some individuals possess more or fewer facets, or if the other side's eye in this individual matches. And that tiny ocellus looks ginormous in this photo, lending credit to its existence which is always questioned by the unaided human eye.

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It really is amazing to contemplate the purpose of each small hair and the presence and absence of facets there at the back edge of the compound eye. I wonder if some individuals possess more or fewer facets, or if the other side's eye in this individual matches. And that tiny ocellus looks ginormous in this photo, lending credit to its existence which is always questioned by the unaided human eye.
I LOVE when the stack is completed because I can see such incredible detail that a lot gets revealed. During the shooting process itself so little is in focus that I have to wait until all of the images are combined to really view the insects true beauty and complexity. I particularly like what look like veins or something in that second crop :)

Do you use Zerene software?, and I think you do a Retouch, I´m still learning, but far away from you.... I hope one day I can do something similar to your pics.



Holy #$&*!!! Truly awesome. I'm speechless. :surrender:
hahaha thanks :)

Do you use Zerene software?, and I think you do a Retouch, I´m still learning, but far away from you.... I hope one day I can do something similar to your pics.


Yes I use zerene, and each one of my images are a combination of Dmap and Pmax. Neither work perfect by themselves (Dmap not so good with hairs, Pmax adds a lot of noise in the backgrounds etc.). Keep practicing, and trying new idea's!
