Assistance in sexing two Giant Rainforest Mantids


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Yeah they may use it to grip onto and pull themselves out of their skin. I will probably end up building a molting box with a ton of drawer fabric(the layer you put on the bottom of a kitchen drawer to keep things in one spot because of the grippiness)

Yeah they may use it to grip onto and pull themselves out of their skin. I will probably end up building a molting box with a ton of drawer fabric(the layer you put on the bottom of a kitchen drawer to keep things in one spot because of the grippiness)
Thank you for the pointers. I've been trying to get everything to a tee on their care. They seem to be doing fine together because they have plenty of FFs roaming at the bottom and the sides. I also am using the Coco Fiber substrate to help up some humidity for them. I need to do the ceiling twigs for them though. It seems that the mesh top is okay for them for now because of how small their feet are, allowing them to hook around a little easier. If needed they have rigid thin sticks to climb onto in order to molt. I read from Precarious though that sometimes they just molt wherever and don't scout an appropriate spot so I've been trying to watch for that. They've been eating quite a bit though so I don't really think they'll molt in the next day or so. On the bright side they're both very plump and ignoring each other! I asked Kevin Young from MoonlightMantids how an Exo-Terra would work for them to which he said it should be suitable for them to thrive in with the right heat and humidity conditions. He's the main person I get my Nymphs from. Great service from him in the past!

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Well you sound set! Yeah I try and keep away from low branches for the simple fact that they may try and molt too low. Hopefully they will molt well! These guys don't seem too interested in eating each other because even when mine get into fights,  they just raise up their arms(the coolest coloration and stature ever) and very rarely will hit each other. Only hit though... never grab.

Oh and I read the same topic as you... the idolomantis consolidated. Very helpful 

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Well you sound set! Yeah I try and keep away from low branches for the simple fact that they may try and molt too low. Hopefully they will molt well! These guys don't seem too interested in eating each other because even when mine get into fights,  they just raise up their arms(the coolest coloration and stature ever) and very rarely will hit each other. Only hit though... never grab.
Yeah. Thank you and I'll try to keep them away from those too. I'll send some photos soon! Keep me updated on your Idolos and I can always use some pointers on how to better care for my own. I'll note the suggestions that you raised!

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Also! Here are some additional photos of Cleff and Piper. Tried to get her wing buds.





Yeah I'll let you know how mine do molting! Some pics of your idolos would be amazing too! I have some pics on my collection page. 

Those wing buds are beautiful lol! Never thought I'd say that in my life haha. Cliff is looking amazing with those brown accents! 

Really cool pictures. Yours are a lot brighter than mine used to be.
Thanks! Hopefully now that I have a M/F I'll continue those pretty green colors along in the next generation! I think them living on those green tomato plants most of their lives helped color them more.

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Piper eating Dinner and eying a roach that stepped onto her foot. 



Cleff with his Dinner. 



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Wow they really are pretty. You got lucky with such nice colors! That's sweet that they just chill with you. Only a few species of mine will do that. A lot of others though love to run up and down my arm lol. 
