Baby Mantid


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Mar 17, 2010
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I recently came across a baby mantid. It is still very young and I am 90% sure it is a snake mantid. I am feeding it fruit flies, however it doesnt seem to be getting any bigger! It went through one molt since I've had it and that was over 5 weeks ago. I thought a baby would grow much faster :\ maybe I am housing it wrong?

Also, any tips on ooths/baby Pseudomantis? I have 2 females who have laid 5 ooths between the two of them and now I am waiting for them to hatch.

Thanks :D

Hummm, maybe it is not a mantis, or do u mean grass mantis?

What's a snake mantis?
+1! I would love to see a pic if possible?

If it's still eating and appears healthy, then all you can really do is wait.

Sounds like your doing a good job. Sorry i cant help with the Pseudomantis. Never had those. I beleive there are a few members here from Australia that can probably help you.

Kongobatha diademata (Snake Mantid)

thats the name of it, (well what i THINK it may be)

will post a pic as soon as i can :)


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