Bad molting - Mantis seems crippled


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:lol: at this rate Deby, it will be easier for me to pick up up in car and drive over to see her! :lol:
As long as the mantis is able to hang upside down there is always a chance for the next molt, you can help with feeding (as shown in your pic - :) ) I had a Chinese mantis that look worse


As long as the mantis is able to hang upside down there is always a chance for the next molt, you can help with feeding (as shown in your pic - :) ) I had a Chinese mantis that look worse

Yen_saw - Thanks for your reply. That is the determining issue.... I have not seen any encouragement in the last several weeks that he is able to hang upside down. Infact, he seems to be "sleeping" alot now.... maybe getting ready to molt. He at least can stand now, but holds his little head down on the paper towels. I tried to feed him yesterday and he refused (for one of the first times). I didn't push him.... but feel like we're at the crossroads. I know this forum is best thing next to a Mantis Hospital that I can get. How did your Chinese mantis turn out?

Saw on a previous post how people have tried to manually help their mantids molt. Since mine hasn't climbed on anything for weeks (he just walks around), I don't think he can hang, so I think I need to get ready to try to do what I can when he does molt. Ok.... the list i have so far is: warm water, tweezers, ..... ? Anything else? BESIDES NERVE PILLS!

Awww! He's just SO CUTE! :wub:

Anyway... Since he's only refused food from you this last time, try again tomorrow. Also, watch him closely for a while. If he suddenly starts to shake for a second (it almost looks like a spasm), he is definitely going to molt in the next few days.

From your photo, it looks like his "toes" on all of his back legs are gone. These are what mantids use to cling to branches, leaves, screen lids, etc. Without those, he probably can't hang onto anything. But you could test to see if he can. First, lay down a soft surface, such as a towel or blanket. Next, place him on a lid (or piece of screen), and hold him just a few inches above the soft surface, so he won't get hurt if he falls. Now try to slowly turn the lid upside down. If he falls off the first time, you may want to try it one or two more times. If he can't hang on, he can't molt on his own.

Go ahead and try this, then give us an update. Either way, there still could be hope.

As an update, just wanted to share that my little Chinese Mantid is looking pretty good from his molt this morning .... looks like everything but one leg has improved, but I'm still holding my breath. I think he's used to this special treatment and probably wants me to take him to to McDonald's tonite. Thanks for all your help, encouragement and comments!

Good luck.
Tis the Luck of the Irish was with us (along with some prayers humbly reminding God since He watches over the sparrows, one little mantis could also use some watching over...)!

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As an update, just wanted to share that my little Chinese Mantid is looking pretty good from his molt this morning .... looks like everything but one leg has improved, but I'm still holding my breath. I think he's used to this special treatment and probably wants me to take him to to McDonald's tonite. Thanks for all your help, encouragement and comments!
Sounds like good news! :clap:

Sounds like good news! :clap:
I am right with you clapping for the good news! I was holding my breath, and still am - this made me realize don't take anything for granted! Thanks for your applause!

Yen_saw - Thanks for your reply. That is the determining issue.... I have not seen any encouragement in the last several weeks that he is able to hang upside down. Infact, he seems to be "sleeping" alot now.... maybe getting ready to molt. He at least can stand now, but holds his little head down on the paper towels. I tried to feed him yesterday and he refused (for one of the first times). I didn't push him.... but feel like we're at the crossroads. I know this forum is best thing next to a Mantis Hospital that I can get. How did your Chinese mantis turn out?
Sorry for the late reply. He mismoltedduring the last molt. Usually mismolt during the early stage is easier to rectify (with subsequent molt) than mismolting during the later stage. Unfortunately mine suffered mismolt at subadult stage, so don't give up on yours.
Sorry for the late reply. He mismoltedduring the last molt. Usually mismolt during the early stage is easier to rectify (with subsequent molt) than mismolting during the later stage. Unfortunately mine suffered mismolt at subadult stage, so don't give up on yours.
I was actually astonished yesterday to see my mantid having survived his molt... i honestly don't know how he did it. He was laying on the bottom with his "casing" laying next to him.. he was still for most of the day, but ate a little last night. I handfed him yesterday cause now I'm paranoid that he has fotten how to catch his food! Maybe I'll introduce him to fruitflies to see if he can tackle them. I'm so sorry to hear about yours mismolting at the subadult stage... it astounds me that they survive at all! Do you have other mantids? I think I can only handle one at a time!!!! I was thrilled this morning to see him hanging from a paper towel on the side of his enclosure (so he doesn't have far to fall!). I think my next move is quit mothering him so much, and move him to an apt. instead of his little efficiency. :)

Woohoo for a successful molt!! :D

Fruitflies are probably too small for him at this point. Try feeding him small crickets. You'd be surprised what mantids can catch and eat when they're hungry.
