Oops! We or I at least, had forgotten that you already have a website. Since someone must obviously have helped you set it up, I'm not sure why they couldn't help you with this simple process, but here goes.Orin's sytem works fine, except that you can only download a limited number of pix this way.
I went to yr site and found this pic:
I right clicked on it and clicked on the third option, "copy image" and returned to the "add reply" window in which I wished to insert the image.
In the "add reply" window, hover over the 4th icon from the right above the window and it will say "Insert Image" Click on it. A window will open with "htp://" already inserted. Backspace to remove it.
Right click and select "paste", then "OK". You're done. The image URL will be entered in the window, wherever you placed the cursor.
I'm doing this because, some while back, my friend and honorary relative, Superfreak, spent a fair amount of time and trouble walking/dragging me through this process. I am one of the dumbest people I know at learning and performing simple computer operations. If I can do it, you certainly can.