BBC1 contacted me about their next nature series


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Some exciting news. I was contacted by BBC1 through my YouTube channel. They are putting together the next groundbreaking six-part nature series, like Planet Earth, and planning a segment featuring the hatch of a mantis ooth and nymph behavior. They contacted me to help them decide on the species that best fits their criteria.

First of all, I've got to say what an honor it was to be included, even peripherally, in something so tremendous. I absolutely love the BBC nature features of which I've been a huge fan since I was a child. They represent the very top in quality so to hear my homemade YouTube clips impressed their producers and researchers to the point of finding value in my opinion is a little overwhelming. It also speaks volumes of the power of the internet, specifically YouTube. After the California Academy of Sciences having previously found me through YouTube that power cannot be denied.

Initially they were most interested in Idolomantis diabolica for obvious reasons, but soon dismissed them as a possibility due to the difficulties of producing a reliably prolific culture. After running through the pros and cons of various species they settled on Hymenopus coronatus (Malaysian Orchid Mantis)! I'm VERY happy with that decision. I tried pretty hard to push this species even though they were not completely ideal for their needs. I really feel the wow-factor Orchids supply well outweighs any of the difficulties. Below is a clip I put together to help them to see the potential of this beautiful species.

So we've got some beautiful, professionally shot footage of an Orchid hatch to look forward to! The series will air on Discovery in the US - unfortunately re-edited and with the narration replaced by some useless US celebrity like Oprah (who totally ruined the Life series for me). They are just putting things together now so I'm assuming it will not be completed for another year or so.

A big thank you to everyone that has encouraged me along the way with both photography and video production, and especially Tammy for all her invaluable photography advice.

I apologies for delayed responses to those who contacted me this past week regarding the Deroplatys lobata hatch. I will be getting back on track with all of that soon enough.
Congrats Henry! I'm super excited and happy for you! I knew your amazing shots and vids would get you somewhere! :D :clap: ...serious congrats and props to you man, nice work ;)

All the best,


P.S. I would prefer Morgan Freeman to narrate it :D

Congratz Bro! I also think that by showing a pretty but reconizable insect. the way that people think about insects and mantids may change for the better. Spreading knowledge and sparking interest one video at a time. ;) Good job Henry

wow congratulations man im sure they will do a great job . Hopefully some yellow orchids will be included as well

Congratulations!! Nice vid too. Good choice with the Hymenopus coronatus.

I want to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger narrate it with lines from his movies thrown in at random moments. Like when an orchid catches a fly and eats it he says, "Hasta la vista baby."

The series will air on Discovery in the US - unfortunately re-edited and with the narration replaced by some useless US celebrity like Oprah (who totally ruined the Life series for me).
My problem with Oprah narrating a nature series is that, in the back of your mind, you know that she's not the least bit interested in the subject matter. If you've ever watched Wild Pacific, I like Mike Rowe's narration. He's probably not interested in the material either, but he seems to fake it convincingly.

My problem with Oprah narrating a nature series is that, in the back of your mind, you know that she's not the least bit interested in the subject matter. If you've ever watched Wild Pacific, I like Mike Rowe's narration. He's probably not interested in the material either, but he seems to fake it convincingly.
I think that everyone is interested in life on earth. There's a reason why so many people watch them.

WOW!!!! You should narrate it. You have alot of knowledge and so you would be best. I am looking forward to seeing it no matter who narrates it. It will be great.

WOW!!!! You should narrate it. You have alot of knowledge and so you would be best. I am looking forward to seeing it no matter who narrates it. It will be great.

Congratulations! Great pick for the species too, I'm excited for the finishing and airing of this for sure!

wow congratulations man im sure they will do a great job . Hopefully some yellow orchids will be included as well
From what I was told they will only focus on a single species. That's why I really want to get them to go for an exotic species. It's an opportunity for the world to see how amazing mantids can really be. They could have just gone with a standard body European species and I'm very happy they didn't. I think the Orchids will make a very strong and endearing screen presence. I would love for them to do a whole episode on mantids but Orchids will have to do... for now.

Major congrats man! Will you be providing the orchids?
I wish! If I were more local to their studios, perhaps. A friend said they've already posted to the UK forum looking for specimens.

My problem with Oprah narrating a nature series is that, in the back of your mind, you know that she's not the least bit interested in the subject matter.
My problem with Oprah's narration is she sounds like she's talking to idiots or little kids. Makes it sound like a kid's program. She sure is good at talking down to an audience. Really turned me off. I usually seek out the original UK versions that don't come off as dumbed-down.

WOW!!!! You should narrate it. You have alot of knowledge and so you would be best. I am looking forward to seeing it no matter who narrates it. It will be great.
Ha-ha! Thanks but I have zero control in this situation. I'm just happy to have had any amount of influence in their choice. :)

Hats off to you my friend, they couldn't have picked a better person to consult! ;)

I still say they should of air lifted our butts over there. :D
