bearded dragon set ups


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Lol, haven't got to compromise mate, no point in using both just one or the other.

It's your own perogative, but rest assured there are some horror stories out their relating to play sand. Bearded dragons are often seen to lick at substrate/earth in the wild, this isnt just for fun, it's to gain added nutrients and minerals, ie calcium. There isn't any in play sand, so they will just keep licking until they've had way too much.

Upto you mate.

Ian, i'm not e-mailing anyone, I also have experience breeding reptiles, including many beardies, I go by my own experience, nothing else. As i've said in every post, go with what you think will be best.


Yes Dave? Hoping that's just agreeing with the idea you should go with what you feel, not sarcasm directed at my experience...Could prove it if i wished, just dont have the need to.

Samzo, one thing i will say about beardies is to make sure you give them plenty of variety in their food. If they get too much of something they like, they will eat nothing else which is obviously unhealthy, so a little of a big variety will go a long way. Once you see that they particularly like something (normally locusts and mealworms), make sure they eat their usual cricket ration first and then their favourite after, like training a dog or a kid to eat their good stuff before getting sweets :)


Yeah they eat veg, dandelion leaves, cress,peas (flick them along the floor, funny to watch them chasing them) all the usuals. Mine are also quite partial to some strawberry.

And Ian, there's no need at all for that, i've never once given you sarcasm denoted towards your advice even if i've not totally agreed with it, i do not expect it my way either!

I have heard from many people many times how bad calci sand is to use, In my opinion I would suggest you stay away from it.

There will always be a debate regarding substrates for bearded dragons.

For babies they should always be kept on papertowels. Sub adults to adults can be kept on tile or playsand. You should never use cali-sand. Even though it says digestible it is not, once wet it clumps up thus making you beardie impacted. Argue if you wish, but its true. Also when feeding you should feed live insects in a seperate container. If veggies are being fed inside the tank, put the bowl of veggies on something either paper towel, tile or newspaper.

I've raised my beardie since he was as big as my pinky and was always told not to use calci-sand for that reason so I'll have to agree with Ian and everyone else that says its bad...heres a pic hope it works



Thought this one had been left now, gonna have to face facts, i've been told countless times not to use play sand, you lot have been told never to use calci-sand, fair play, my beardies are happy, so are yours...

I just saw this thread, add my 2p worth

I myself use playsand and have done for a couple of years(know peole who have for longer) and haven't had any problems, although I know people that use calci-sand(including somebody that probably breeds on average 100+ leos a ear) without problems. In my opinion there is a risk of impactation with both and many other substrates. Beadies survive pretty well in the wild and I doubt either is exactly the same as natural sand.

I didn't notice anybody mentioning heat mats? how come? I do as do most people I thought.

and Ian, no offense, but I have to agree with dave that there was no need for that kind of sarcastic remark, its a discussion, not a slagging match


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